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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But it was Dywen who emerged from the greenery, forking a shaggy grey garron with Grenn ahorse beside him.
  • 钻出来的却是戴文,他骑着一匹鬃毛杂乱的灰矮马,旁边还有葛兰。
  • The Old Bear had deployed outriders to either side of the main column, to screen their march
  • 熊老在行军纵队两翼都派出轻骑,不仅为了探察地形,
  • and warn of the approach of any enemies, and even there he took no chances, sending the men out in pairs.
  • 更为了警报敌人的逼近。他不敢大意,训令侦查兵们两两一组,结伴行动。
  • "Ah, it's you, Lord Snow." Dywen smiled an oaken smile; his teeth were carved of wood, and fit badly.
  • “啊,是你呀,雪诺大人。”戴文咧嘴大笑,他的假牙是用橡木雕的,且极不搭配。
  • "Thought me and the boy had us one o' them Others to deal with. Lose your wolf?"
  • “我和这孩子还以为咱遇异鬼了哩。怎么,狼走丢了?”
  • "He's off hunting." Ghost did not like to travel with the column, but he would not be far.
  • “他打猎去了,”白灵不爱和队伍一起前进,但也不会跑远。
  • When they made camp for the night, he'd find his way to Jon at the Lord Commander's tent.
  • 每当人们安营扎寨后,他自会找到总司令帐篷,返回琼恩身边。
  • "Fishing, I'd call it, in this wet," Dywen said.
  • 照我看,只怕是捉鱼去了吧,到处都是滔天大水。”戴文说。
  • "My mother always said rain was good for growing crops," Grenn put in hopefully.
  • “我妈常说,多下雨对庄稼好,”葛兰乐观地插话。
  • "Aye, a good crop of mildew," Dywen said. "The best thing about a rain like this,
  • “吓,庄稼上的霉长得比较快,”戴文道,“像这样的雨能带来的惟一好处,
  • it saves a man from taking baths." He made a clacking sound on his wooden teeth.
  • 就是省了洗澡的工夫。”他的木假牙发出一声清脆的劈啪。
  • "Buckwell's found Craster," Jon told them.
  • “布克威尔找到了卡斯特,”琼恩告诉他们。
  • "Had he lost him?" Dywen chuckled. "See that you young bucks don't go nosing about Craster's wives, you hear?"
  • “他弄丢过他吗?”戴文咯咯笑道,“你们这些小伙子啊,可千万别招惹卡斯特的老婆,听到没?”
  • Jon smiled. "Want them all for yourself, Dywen?"
  • 琼恩笑了,“想独占芳泽么,戴文?”
  • Dywen clacked his teeth some more. "Might be I do. Craster's got ten fingers and one cock,
  • 戴文再度嚼起假牙。“别说,我还真有这种打算哩。卡斯特还不是十根指头一个鸡巴,
  • so he don't count but to eleven. He'd never miss a couple."
  • 最多数到十一。少两三个,想来也发现不了。”


But it was Dywen who emerged from the greenery, forking a shaggy grey garron with Grenn ahorse beside him. The Old Bear had deployed outriders to either side of the main column, to screen their march and warn of the approach of any enemies, and even there he took no chances, sending the men out in pairs.

"Ah, it's you, Lord Snow." Dywen smiled an oaken smile; his teeth were carved of wood, and fit badly. "Thought me and the boy had us one o' them Others to deal with. Lose your wolf?"
"He's off hunting." Ghost did not like to travel with the column, but he would not be far. When they made camp for the night, he'd find his way to Jon at the Lord Commander's tent.

"Fishing, I'd call it, in this wet," Dywen said. "My mother always said rain was good for growing crops," Grenn put in hopefully.

"Aye, a good crop of mildew," Dywen said. "The best thing about a rain like this, it saves a man from taking baths." He made a clacking sound on his wooden teeth.
"Buckwell's found Craster," Jon told them.
"Had he lost him?" Dywen chuckled. "See that you young bucks don't go nosing about Craster's wives, you hear?"
Jon smiled. "Want them all for yourself, Dywen?"
Dywen clacked his teeth some more. "Might be I do. Craster's got ten fingers and one cock, so he don't count but to eleven. He'd never miss a couple."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

mildew ['mildju:]


n. 霉病,发霉 v. (使)发霉,(使)生霉

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

column ['kɔləm]


n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营





