What is your fate? What is your calling? What is your destiny? Just listen to the voice that suggests your vocation. Just listen to the call that guides you to your calling. What is it?
You know the problem is we don't take time to think about these questions.
Sometimes because we are afraid of the answer. Because what if it is teaching? You know, what about all the pressure that I feel from the outside to go and be a consultant? Or what if it is investment banking? What about the pressure that I hear from my friends and colleagues who say "well you should do something else"- more "noble" with your Harvard education.

The most noble thing is to listen to that inner voice. Because when we pursue our passions. When we pursue a self-concordant goal and a self-concordant journey, that's when we come alive and that's when we also make the world a better place.
Remember Gandhi: "Be the change you want to see in the world." And if you want a happier world, begin with yourself.
Easier said than done. But it's probably the most important question that you can ask of yourself. And by the way, that answer may change. It may be one thing today and be something different two and a half years from now.