However, people who only look at that, who only look- "OK. It's going to give me a great life style. I'm going to send my kids to the best schools- it's a good thing and I'm going to live in a beautiful neighborhood, a beautiful house and a big car- have a lot of prestige. "
Again, human nature. These needs- it's fine. But people who just look at these things will not be happy, or will not live up to their potential happiness in the long run.
However, if I look at investment banking as that and also an opportunity to create jobs which it does do- JP Morgan and all the investment bankers who came up after him have created millions and millions of jobs that would not have existed without investment banking.

But investment banking is also about lubricating the wheels of economy, that it will also provide an opportunity to then go and contribute, whether it's financially or for my knowledge to Not for Profit organizations. Because today what Not for Profit organizations need most is effective sound professional fiscal policies. Which you'll learn as an investment banker or a consultant or whatever it is.
Now some people say, "you are rationalizing if you look at the investment banking as all these things." You are not rationalizing. You know what you are doing? You are simply looking at reality. Things that are real, that are there- they are not invented.