But most people do not see them, just like most people did not see the children on the bus. And when you don't see something as far as you're concerned, it doesn't exist.
And for most investment bankers, they burn out because they don't also-not only, but they don't also see the positive components of that work-components that certainly can fall under a calling.

Again, most works, whether it's working in a hospital and taking care of cleanliness whether it's working as a medical doctor, whether it's working as an investment banker, as a teacher, as a volunteer, as monk- whatever it is, can be perceived as job, can be perceived as a career, and can be perceived a calling. And very often the choice is up to you. How do you interpret it?
Abraham Maslow: "It is certainly true that many of us evade our constitutionally suggested vocations (call, destiny, task in life, mission). So often we run away from the responsibilities dictated (or rather suggested) by nature, by fate, even sometimes by accident, just as Jonah tried-in vain-to run away from his fate."