The Master said, "He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good."
Chan Ch'ang murdered the Duke Chien of Ch'i. Confucius bathed, went to court and informed the Duke Ai, saying, "I beg that you will undertake to punish him."
The duke said, "Inform the chiefs of the three families of it."
Confucius retired, and said, "Following in the rear of the great officers, I did not dare not to represent such a matter,
and my prince says, "Inform the chiefs of the three families of it."
He went to the chiefs, and informed them, but they would not act.

Confucius then said, "Following in the rear of the great officers, I did not dare not to represent such a matter."
Tsze-lu asked how a ruler should be served. The Master said, "Do not impose on him, and, moreover, withstand him to his face."
The Master said, "The progress of the superior man is upwards; the progress of the mean man is downwards."
The Master said, "In ancient times, men learned with a view to their own improvement. Nowadays, men learn with a view to the approbation of others."
Chu Po-yu sent a messenger with friendly inquiries to Confucius.