The Master asked Kung-ming Chia about Kung-shu Wan, saying, "Is it true that your master speaks not, laughs not, and takes not?"
Kung-ming Chia replied, "This has arisen from the reporters going beyond the truth. My master speaks when it is the time to speak, and so men do not get tired of his speaking;
He laughs when there is occasion to be joyful, and so men do not get tired of his laughing;
He takes when it is consistent with righteousness to do so, and so men do not get tired of his taking."
The Master said, "So! But is it so with him?"
The Master said, "Tsang Wu-chung, keeping possession of Fang, asked of the duke of Lu to appoint a successor to him in his family,

Although it may be said that he was not using force with his sovereign, I believe he was."
The Master said, "The duke Wan of Tsin was crafty and not upright, the duke Hwan of Ch'i was upright and not crafty."
Tsze-lu said, "The Duke Hwan caused his brother Chiu to be killed, when Shao Hu died, with his master, but Kwan Chung did not die. May not I say that he was wanting in virtue?"
The Master said, "The Duke Hwan assembled all the princes together, and that not with weapons of war and chariots, it was all through the influence of Kwan Chung.
Whose beneficence was like his? Whose beneficence was like his?"