For instance- let's say you are a member of an undergrad A ccapella group.
And you really enjoy it. In self-concordant, it's something that you believe in. Something you enjoy.
Something that is interesting to you. Something you are doing because you are really want to be doing it.
In other words, a self-concordant goal that will have an effect, a positive effect on other areas in your life, such as a class that you don't necessarily enjoy that much, but you are doing more because you feel that you have to, as opposed to you really really want to.
So potentially identifying self-concordant goals can also help you improve your grades.

Again, even though they are not related at all. Because overall, you are more motivated; you are more excited; you are more interested; and you enjoy life as a whole more in positive emotions have a trickle effect.
In a way you can think about it like a candle in a dark room. Very often you don't need to light up the entire room with lights A single candle sometimes is enough to spread the light to darkened corners of the room.
The same with the self-concordant goals. They have a trickle effect. Choosing to do things- doing what we want to do has also health benefits.
This is one of the most important studies done in the field of psychology by, once again, our own Ellen Langer. What she did was going into old age homes and divide it- the old age home randomly into two groups.