The one group got all the support that they needed- whatever they wanted they got. They asked for certain food- they got it. They asked to be helped, carrying out certain tasks- they got it. Everything was done for them. In many ways, the old age homes that many people dream of.
And then the second group didn't have as good. Not everything was catered for them. They very often had to do their own things. For example, notably, they had to water their own plants.

They very often had to set their own routine during the day. The service wasn't as great as the first group. They had to tell the employees if they needed something. They very often had to get it themselves. And again, they planted- they watered their own plants.
And what they did was- Langer created this two different scenarios and then went back 18 months later.
After 18 months, the second group, the group that watered their plants, the group that took care of their day, the group that was not catered for, in the same way as the first group- they were less likely to be depressed; they were happier; they were more energetic; more independent, physically healthier.