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经济学人:一周要闻 哈佛歧视案胜诉

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  • In a closely watched case, a judge ruled that Harvard does not discriminate against Asian-Americans in its applications process, finding that it passes "constitutional muster".
  • 在一起备受关注的案件中,一名法官裁定,哈佛大学在录取过程中没有歧视亚裔美国人,认为哈佛大学通过了“宪法审查”。
  • The plaintiffs argued that Harvard's affirmative-action policy favours black and Hispanic applicants.
  • 原告认为,哈佛的“平权运动接纳”政策对黑人和西班牙裔申请者有利。
  • The matter will probably end up in the Supreme Court.
  • 这起案件可能会由最高法院结案。
  • Boris Johnson, Britain's prime minister, made a new Brexit offer to the European Union.
  • 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊向欧盟提出了新的脱欧提议。
  • His proposal includes customs checks, but not at the border in Northern Ireland, plus a regulatory border in the Irish Sea.
  • 他的提议包括海关检查,但不包括北爱尔兰边境,以及爱尔兰海的监管边界。
  • Mr Johnson is determined to leave the eu on October 31st, but is hampered by Parliament's legal stipulation that he must ask for an extension if there is no deal.
  • 约翰逊决心在10月31日离开欧盟,但是碍于议会的法律规定,如果没有达成协议,他必须申请延期。
  • Brexit is not the only trouble for Mr Johnson.
  • 英国脱欧并不是约翰逊面临的唯一问题。
  • Hard on the heels of the controversy surrounding his relationship with an American businesswoman when he was mayor of London,
  • 在约翰逊担任伦敦市长期间,他与一名美国女商人的关系引发了争议,
  • a female journalist accused Mr Johnson of groping her thigh in 1999, when he was her boss.
  • 紧接着,一名女记者指控约翰逊在1999年摸她的大腿,当时她在约翰逊手下工作。
  • He denied it happened. Despite its leader's problems the Conservative Party holds a resilient lead in the polls.
  • 约翰逊对此予以否认。尽管约翰逊一直麻烦缠身,但保守党在民意调查中仍稳居领先地位。
  • Sebastian Kurz and his People's Party were the clear winners in Austria's snap election,
  • 塞巴斯蒂安·库尔兹和他的人民党是奥地利临时选举的明显赢家,
  • caused after his government collapsed following a scandal connecting his coalition partners, the Freedom Party, and Russian money.
  • 选举是在他的政府因联盟伙伴自由党与俄罗斯资金的丑闻而垮台后举行的。
  • However, he is still short of a majority, and is casting around for an alternative to join a new government.
  • 然而,他仍未获得多数席位,并且正在寻找一个加入新政府的替代政党。
  • Some 20,000 people took to the streets in Moscow to demand the release of those arrested in earlier demonstrations over the exclusion of opposition figures from a city council election.
  • 大约2万人走上莫斯科街头,要求释放那些在早些时候的示威活动中被捕的人。示威活动的起因是反对派人士被排除在市议会选举之外。
  • As many as 25 soldiers were killed and another 60 are missing after jihadists attacked two army bases in Mali.
  • 圣战分子袭击了马里的两处军事基地,造成25名士兵死亡,60人失踪。
  • Separately al-Shabab, a jihadist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, attacked a convoy of Italian troops and an air base used by American forces in Somalia.
  • 与基地组织有联系的圣战组织阿尔沙巴布袭击了意大利军队的护卫队和美国在索马里的空军基地。
  • The attacks highlight the deteriorating security across the Sahel and into the Horn of Africa.
  • 这些袭击事件凸显了萨赫勒地区乃至非洲之角地区安全局势的恶化。
  • At a pre-trial hearing lawyers for Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, argued that he should not be charged with corruption.
  • 在预审听证会上,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的律师辩称,总理不应受到腐败指控。
  • The attorney-general will decide whether to proceed with the indictments.
  • 总检察长将决定是否继续进行起诉。
  • Meanwhile, talks between Mr Netanyahu's Likud party and Blue and White, a centrist party, over forming a government have stalled.
  • 与此同时,内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团与中间派蓝白党关于组建政府的谈判陷入僵局。
  • Hundreds of people protested in Lebanon as the government grappled with a worsening economic crisis.
  • 在黎巴嫩,数百人抗议政府对日益恶化的经济危机应对不力。
  • Enormous debt and shrinking foreign investment have led to fears that the Lebanese pound will be devalued and prices raised.
  • 巨额债务和外国投资的萎缩导致人们担心黎巴嫩镑会贬值,物价将上涨。
  • Iraqis also took to the streets to protest against unemployment and corruption. Security forces responded with live fire;
  • 伊拉克人也走上街头抗议失业和腐败。安全部队用实弹回应;
  • at least 18 people were killed and hundreds wounded.
  • 至少18人死亡,数百人受伤。
  • Software developers in Lagos, Nigeria's main commercial city, started a campaign against harassment by the police,
  • 尼日利亚主要商业城市拉各斯的软件开发商发起了一场反对警察骚扰的运动,
  • who single out people carrying laptops or smartphones for extortion. The arrests threaten a boom in startups.
  • 警察专门挑携带笔记本电脑或智能手机的人士进行敲诈勒索。逮捕行动威胁到了初创企业的繁荣。
  • Uganda banned people from wearing red berets, which are associated with an opposition movement led by Bobi Wine.
  • 乌干达禁止人们佩戴红色贝雷帽,这与博比·温领导的反对派运动有关。
  • Mr Wine was recently charged with "annoying" the president.
  • 温最近被指控“骚扰”总统。


In a closely watched case, a judge ruled that Harvard does not discriminate against Asian-Americans in its applications process, finding that it passesconstitutional muster”. The plaintiffs argued that Harvards affirmative-action policy favours black and Hispanic applicants. The matter will probably end up in the Supreme Court.

Boris Johnson, Britains prime minister, made a new Brexit offer to the European Union. His proposal includes customs checks, but not at the border in Northern Ireland, plus a regulatory border in the Irish Sea. Mr Johnson is determined to leave the eu on October 31st, but is hampered by Parliaments legal stipulation that he must ask for an extension if there is no deal.


Brexit is not the only trouble for Mr Johnson. Hard on the heels of the controversy surrounding his relationship with an American businesswoman when he was mayor of London, a female journalist accused Mr Johnson of groping her thigh in 1999, when he was her boss. He denied it happened. Despite its leaders problems the Conservative Party holds a resilient lead in the polls.

Sebastian Kurz and his Peoples Party were the clear winners in Austrias snap election, caused after his government collapsed following a scandal connecting his coalition partners, the Freedom Party, and Russian money. However, he is still short of a majority, and is casting around for an alternative to join a new government.
Some 20,000 people took to the streets in Moscow to demand the release of those arrested in earlier demonstrations over the exclusion of opposition figures from a city council election.
As many as 25 soldiers were killed and another 60 are missing after jihadists attacked two army bases in Mali. Separately al-Shabab, a jihadist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, attacked a convoy of Italian troops and an air base used by American forces in Somalia. The attacks highlight the deteriorating security across the Sahel and into the Horn of Africa.
At a pre-trial hearing lawyers for Binyamin Netanyahu, Israels prime minister, argued that he should not be charged with corruption. The attorney-general will decide whether to proceed with the indictments. Meanwhile, talks between Mr Netanyahus Likud party and Blue and White, a centrist party, over forming a government have stalled.
Hundreds of people protested in Lebanon as the government grappled with a worsening economic crisis. Enormous debt and shrinking foreign investment have led to fears that the Lebanese pound will be devalued and prices raised. Iraqis also took to the streets to protest against unemployment and corruption. Security forces responded with live fire; at least 18 people were killed and hundreds wounded.
Software developers in Lagos, Nigerias main commercial city, started a campaign against harassment by the police, who single out people carrying laptops or smartphones for extortion. The arrests threaten a boom in startups.
Uganda banned people from wearing red berets, which are associated with an opposition movement led by Bobi Wine. Mr Wine was recently charged withannoyingthe president.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

unnecessary [ʌn'nesisəri]


adj. 不必要的,多余的

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

opposition [.ɔpə'ziʃən]


n. 反对,敌对,在野党

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

constitutional [.kɔnsti'tju:ʃənl]


adj. 宪法的,合乎宪法的,体质的,组成的 n. 散步

exclusion [iks'klu:ʒən]


n. 排除,除外,逐出





