Turkey continued its invasion of northern Syria, despite Western pressure to stop. Turkey’s autocratic president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, aims to crush Syria’s Kurds, who have been ditched by President Donald Trump. The Kurds have turned to Syria’s despot, Bashar al-Assad, for protection. Russia, which backs Mr Assad, strolled into abandoned American outposts. Mr Trump, who has been criticised even by fellow Republicans for creating a power vacuum in the Middle East, said he would impose sanctions on some Turkish officials and raise tariffs on Turkish steel. Later, he said the conflict has nothing to do with America.
Kais Saied trounced his opponent in Tunisia’s presidential election. The former law professor and political outsider spent little on his campaign. Voters chose him in the hope that he will tackle corruption and take the elite down a peg.

Iran said one of its oil tankers was attacked by an unknown assailant off the coast of Saudi Arabia, its regional rival. Photos showed two large holes in the vessel. Iran itself has been blamed for several attacks on shipping this year. Meanwhile, Imran Khan, Pakistan’s prime minister, travelled to Tehran to broker talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
伊朗表示,其一艘油轮在其地区竞争对手沙特的海岸遭到一名身份不明的袭击者攻击。照片显示油轮出现两个大洞。伊朗今年也因数起油轮袭击事件而受到指责。与此同时,巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan)前往德黑兰,促成伊朗与沙特之间的谈判。
Abiy Ahmed, the prime minister of Ethiopia, won the Nobel peace prize. Since taking office last year Abiy has freed dissidents and vowed to hold free elections. He signed a peace deal with Eritrea, ending a 20-year-old conflict over a sliver of worthless desert. However, he has failed to stop local politicians from fomenting ethnic cleansing at home.
埃塞俄比亚总理阿比·艾哈迈德(Abiy Ahmed)获得了诺贝尔和平奖。自去年上任以来,阿比伊释放了持不同政见者,并誓言要举行自由选举。他与厄立特里亚签署了一项和平协议,结束了长达20年的冲突,冲突起因是一片毫无价值的狭长沙漠。然而,他未能阻止当地政客在国内煽动种族清洗。
Hundreds of forest fires broke out in Lebanon, prompting the government to ask for help from neighbouring countries. The cause of the blazes, which have spread into Syria, remains unknown.
Britain and the European Union held last-minute talks on a Brexit agreement ahead of a crucial eu summit. Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, said a “great new deal” had been agreed. Any agreement needs the support of the House of Commons, which is not assured. A special Saturday sitting is scheduled for October 19th.
在至关重要的欧盟峰会召开之前,英国和欧盟就英国退欧协议进行了最后一刻的谈判。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)表示,各方达成了一项“伟大的新政”。任何协议都需要获得下议院的支持,但这点无法保证。10月19日将举行一次特别的周六会议。
Spain’s Supreme Court handed down sentences of up to 13 years in prison to a group of nine Catalan separatists for their role in an illegal referendum and independence declaration in 2017. The sentences were much tougher than expected and sparked huge demonstrations, and some rioting, in Barcelona.
Hungary’s nationalist leader, Viktor Orban, lost control of Budapest. The opposition were uncharacteristically united in city elections, and Mr Orban’s cronies do not completely dominate the media in the capital, unlike in the rest of the country.
匈牙利民族主义领导人欧尔班·维克托(Viktor Orban)失去了对布达佩斯的控制。反对派在城市选举中一反常态地团结起来,而与全国其他地区不同的是,欧尔班的亲信并没有完全控制首都的媒体。
In Poland, the ruling Law and Justice party retained its majority in elections to the Sejm, the lower house of parliament. However, it narrowly lost control of the less powerful Senate.
在波兰,执政的法律与公正党(Law and Justice party)在议会下院(Sejm)的选举中保持了多数席位。然而,它以微弱优势失去了对权力较小的参议院的控制。