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经济学人:一周要闻 所罗门群岛与台“断交”

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  • African swine fever, a disease that is harmless to humans but fatal to pigs, was detected in South Korea.
  • 韩国出现非洲猪瘟疫情,这是一种对人类无害但对猪致命的疾病。
  • Since first being reported in China in August 2018, the disease has spread through much of East Asia.
  • 自2018年8月在中国首次出现以来,该疾病已在东亚大部分地区蔓延。
  • Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, appeared to admit that he was behind an assassination attempt on a local official
  • 菲律宾总统领导人罗德里戈·杜特尔特似乎承认,他策划了一起针对一名地方官员的暗杀行动,
  • whom he had accused of being involved in the drugs trade.
  • 他曾指控这名官员参与毒品交易。
  • His aides later claimed the president had misspoken because of his poor grasp of Tagalog, the country's main language.
  • 他的助手后来声称,总统之所以说错话,是因为他对该国的主要语言塔加禄语不太熟练。
  • The Solomon Islands switched its diplomatic allegiance from Taiwan to China, leaving Taiwan with diplomatic relations with just 16 countries.
  • 所罗门群岛与台湾“断交”,并与中国大陆建立外交关系,目前与台湾建立外交关系的只剩下16个国家。
  • Venezuela's dictatorial government, led by Nicolás Maduro, freed from prison Edgar Zambrano,
  • 由尼古拉斯·马杜罗领导的委内瑞拉独裁政府释放了国会议员埃德加·桑布拉诺,
  • a congressman who is a senior adviser to Juan Guaidó, the president of the opposition-controlled national assembly.
  • 桑布拉诺也是反对派控制的国民大会主席胡安·瓜伊多的高级顾问。
  • Mr Guaidó is recognised by the assembly and by more than 50 countries as Venezuela's interim president.
  • 瓜伊多被大会和50多个国家承认为委内瑞拉临时总统。
  • Mr Maduro said that 55 lawmakers from his United Socialist Party would take their seats in the national assembly after boycotting it for three years.
  • 马杜罗表示,在抵制国民议会三年之后,他所在的统一社会党的55名议员将在国民议会占据席位。
  • A Spanish court released from prison Hugo Carvajal, a former chief of Venezuela's military intelligence service who had turned against the regime.
  • 西班牙法庭释放了委内瑞拉前军事情报局局长乌戈·查韦斯(Hugo Carvajal),此人曾反对委内瑞拉政权。
  • The court turned down an extradition request by the United States, which accuses him of arranging to ship 5,600kg of cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico in 2006.
  • 法院拒绝了美国提出的引渡请求,美国指控查韦斯在2006年时安排将5600公斤可卡因从委内瑞拉运往墨西哥。
  • Mr Carvajal, also known as El Pollo (The Chicken) was arrested in Spain in April.
  • 今年4月,查韦斯(El Pollo)在西班牙被捕。
  • A photo emerged taken in 2001 showing Justin Trudeau, Canada's prime minister, wearing "brownface" make-up at a party at a private school where he taught.
  • 2001年,加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多在其就读的一所私立学校派对上“扮黑脸”。
  • Mr Trudeau, who is running for re-election, explained that he had dressed up as Aladdin for a party with an Arabian Nights theme.
  • 正在竞选连任的特鲁多解释说,当时他装扮成阿拉丁参加一个以《一千零一夜》为主题的派对。
  • He said he was "deeply sorry".
  • 他说对此“深感抱歉”。
  • While Britain's Supreme Court reviewed the legality of his suspension of Parliament, Boris Johnson met European leaders in Luxembourg,
  • 当英国最高法院审查约翰逊暂停议会的合法性时,后者在卢森堡会见了欧洲领导人,
  • where he found little respite from the turmoil at home.
  • 他在国内的动荡中几乎没有找到喘息的机会。
  • The British prime minister's Luxembourger counterpart mocked him for skipping a press conference because anti-Brexit protesters were too rowdy.
  • 卢森堡总理笑称,因为反对英国退欧的抗议者太过嘈杂,因此首相约翰逊缺席了新闻发布会。
  • Other EU leaders said trying to humiliate Mr Johnson was a mistake;
  • 其他欧盟领导人表示,试图取笑约翰逊的行为是错误的;
  • a close aide of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said the episode "did not serve the European cause".
  • 德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)的一位亲密助手表示,这一乌龙事件“不符合欧洲的理念”。
  • Matteo Renzi, a former prime minister of Italy, caused consternation when he said he was splitting from the Democratic Party (pd) he used to lead.
  • 意大利前总理马泰奥·伦齐(Matteo Renzi)表示,他将脱离曾经领导的民主党,这一言论引起了人们的恐慌。
  • He insists, though, that he still supports the new coalition between the pd and the Five Star Movement,
  • 不过,他坚称,他仍然支持民主党与五星运动(Five Star Movement)之间的新联盟。
  • which was created to prevent Matteo Salvini, the populist leader of the Northern League, from triggering an early election.
  • 该联盟的成立是为了防止北方联盟(Northern League)民粹主义领导人马泰奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)引发提前选举。
  • A fresh election looked probable in Spain, after talks between the caretaker Socialist government and the left-wing Podemos party broke down.
  • 在执政党工社党和左翼“我们能”党之间的谈判破裂后,西班牙可能会举行新的选举。
  • It would be the fourth general election in four years.
  • 这将是四年来的第四次大选。
  • A huge strike paralysed much of Paris, particularly its Metro, in protest at plans by the president, Emmanuel Macron, to rationalise France's excessively generous pension system.
  • 为了抗议总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙让法国过于慷慨的养老金体系合理化的计划,一场大规模罢工导致巴黎大部分地区陷入瘫痪,尤其是地铁。


African swine fever, a disease that is harmless to humans but fatal to pigs, was detected in South Korea. Since first being reported in China in August 2018, the disease has spread through much of East Asia.

Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, appeared to admit that he was behind an assassination attempt on a local official whom he had accused of being involved in the drugs trade. His aides later claimed the president had misspoken because of his poor grasp of Tagalog, the countrys main language.
The Solomon Islands switched its diplomatic allegiance from Taiwan to China, leaving Taiwan with diplomatic relations with just 16 countries.


Venezuelas dictatorial government, led by Nicolás Maduro, freed from prison Edgar Zambrano, a congressman who is a senior adviser to Juan Guaidó, the president of the opposition-controlled national assembly. Mr Guaidó is recognised by the assembly and by more than 50 countries as Venezuelas interim president. Mr Maduro said that 55 lawmakers from his United Socialist Party would take their seats in the national assembly after boycotting it for three years.

A Spanish court released from prison Hugo Carvajal, a former chief of Venezuelas military intelligence service who had turned against the regime. The court turned down an extradition request by the United States, which accuses him of arranging to ship 5,600kg of cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico in 2006. Mr Carvajal, also known as El Pollo (The Chicken) was arrested in Spain in April.
西班牙法庭释放了委内瑞拉前军事情报局局长乌戈·查韦斯(Hugo Carvajal),此人曾反对该国政权。法院拒绝了美国提出的引渡请求,美国指控查韦斯在2006年时安排将5600公斤可卡因从委内瑞拉运往墨西哥。今年4月,查韦斯(El Pollo)在西班牙被捕。
A photo emerged taken in 2001 showing Justin Trudeau, Canadas prime minister, wearingbrownfacemake-up at a party at a private school where he taught. Mr Trudeau, who is running for re-election, explained that he had dressed up as Aladdin for a party with an Arabian Nights theme. He said he wasdeeply sorry”.
While Britains Supreme Court reviewed the legality of his suspension of Parliament, Boris Johnson met European leaders in Luxembourg, where he found little respite from the turmoil at home. The British prime ministers Luxembourger counterpart mocked him for skipping a press conference because anti-Brexit protesters were too rowdy. Other EU leaders said trying to humiliate Mr Johnson was a mistake; a close aide of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said the episodedid not serve the European cause”.
当英国最高法院审查约翰逊暂停议会的合法性时,后者在卢森堡会见了欧洲领导人,他在国内的动荡中几乎没有找到喘息的机会。卢森堡总理笑称,因为反对英国退欧的抗议者太过嘈杂,因此首相约翰逊缺席了新闻发布会。其他欧盟领导人表示,试图取笑约翰逊的行为是错误的;德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)的一位亲密助手表示,这一乌龙事件“不符合欧洲的理念”。
Matteo Renzi, a former prime minister of Italy, caused consternation when he said he was splitting from the Democratic Party (pd) he used to lead. He insists, though, that he still supports the new coalition between the pd and the Five Star Movement, which was created to prevent Matteo Salvini, the populist leader of the Northern League, from triggering an early election.
意大利前总理马泰奥·伦齐(Matteo Renzi)表示,他将脱离曾经领导的民主党,这一言论引起了人们的恐慌。不过,他坚称,他仍然支持民主党与五星运动(Five Star Movement)之间的新联盟。该联盟的成立是为了防止北方联盟(Northern League)民粹主义领导人马泰奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)引发提前选举。
A fresh election looked probable in Spain, after talks between the caretaker Socialist government and the left-wing Podemos party broke down. It would be the fourth general election in four years.
A huge strike paralysed much of Paris, particularly its Metro, in protest at plans by the president, Emmanuel Macron, to rationalise Frances excessively generous pension system.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

excessively [ik'sesivli]


adv. 过分地,过度地,非常地

theme [θi:m]


n. 题目,主题

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

turmoil ['tə:mɔil]


n. 骚动,混乱

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

consternation [.kɔnstə'neiʃən]


n. 惊愕,恐怖,惊惶失措





