Listen I'm gonna be here the next couple of months. Chop it up. Press down like that.
I haven't got a clue what I'm supposed to be doing. We need to get our stuff on. That is what I'm talking about.
Twist like that. Give it a ruddy good spanking. Perfect. Just having a moment. This chocolate tart is a real cracker.
Erm, I have got a sweet pastry tart shell in the freezer, completely frozen,
I'm just gonna whack it in the oven for about 10 minutes so it's slightly golden. I'll get on with the filling.
I need some butter, unsalted butter. I need 140 grams, normally about 3/4 of a pack. I'll just weigh it to check.
Oh bad guess, I'm losing it and then I've got this chocolate here, yeah. It's dark chocolate, it's 70% cocoa solids.
So it's 150 grams chocolate in there and I need a pinch of salt in there. When I worked in France,
I worked with this really good French patisserie and he always used to say to me
"When you cook with chocolate you must always put a little pinch of salt in there
and it brings out the flavour in the chocolate" and I was kind of a little bit kind of
"Oh yeah mate, yeah I believe you" but what he did was we made up two batches of ganache up,
which is like a chocolate base, and one with salt one without and it made all the difference,
it really made it lovely jubbly and yummy. 8 levelish tablespoons of cocoa powder.
So do you think chocolate tart is something you'd always make if you want to impress a girlfriend? Yeah definitely.
I think it's quite a romantic thing, you know, chocolate. I'm just gonna put a little bit of water in a pot,
put it on a little heat. Let it melt slowly, give it a stir every couple of minutes. Butter, the chocolate,
the cocoa, the salt, all mixed up, be nice and shiny and lovely. That's basically the base the cake, yeah,
it's where all the flavour at, it's where it's all happening. What we need to do now is get the other side of the cake,
which is kind of the lift and the texture, and for that I've got four eggs, large free-range.
Nice yellowy yolks, you know. Now I need to put 200 grams of sugar in that. Castor sugar, just whisk it up.
So are you planning quite a romantic day today, for Juliet? Yeah, well kind of, it's a bit of a miserable day
so I'm a bit annoyed with that, but yeah I'm gonna make a nice lunch, go out for a nice walk, chill out.
Might do something nice in the evening, just spend a bit of time together really.
Try get in the old good books again mate. Get out of the dog house. Right, so that's nice and smooth, yeah,
and then we've got two little secret ingredients which a bit different to the norm.
Some sour cream and some golden syrup. Sour cream gives a lovely kind of acidity, little bit of a sourness,
which is beautiful, makes all the difference, lightens it up a little bit and I want three tablespoons of that
and you could use crème fraîche if you wanted and then we've got this golden syrup. Quite old fashioned really?
Quite old-fashioned yeah, but I'll tell you what, this, it gives this tart, yeah, it gives it a nice kind of toffeeness,
which is good for flavour, but also you know it gives it that little bit of a chew and I like all that.
Three tablespoonsish of that. Must be fantastic having a boyfriend who can cook. You reckon?
Tell that to my girlfriend, she just thinks I'm a bit strange. The other day she came walked in and found me watching,
she, the telly was on and she found me watching the rotisserie and the roast chicken just going around.
She thought I was really weird and I'm very sad. Mix this up together. Go on, get in there. Just until it's smooth basically.
Right so that's all done let's just check on the old choc. Nearly there, mega flavours. It's just lovely and shiny.
So now I will get my spatula and why it's important to get everything on the bowl,
desserts and baking and stuff is a bit more like chemistry. Quite important to weigh everything, you know what I mean,
otherwise you find that it either doesn't taste as nice or it hasn't risen or something like that,
which it was a bit of a downer. Ever had any terrible disasters? Mate, I've had so many disasters you wouldn't believe.
I've lost count I've had so many bad ones. Alright, that's looking good. Tart shell,
but we're gonna plunk this straight in there now and it's gonna go mad, absolutely mad. The chocolates gonna puff up,
look absolutely pucker. Just carefully put it in the old oven. I normally spill it at this stage
and I cook it about 40 minutes about 150 be spot-on.