"There is a loud crashing sound and there is a pause for about what's taken and a screamer too and everyone just run everybody there is mass chaos."
“有一阵巨大的猛撞声,所发生的一切和尖叫声都暂停了.... 每个人...每个人奔跑着... 造成了大规模的混乱。”
There are smoke, the black smoke and fire, do you see in there? Yes in there. There are indications that may have been a Boeing 767 out of Boston."
"run…just like a train rumbling for maybe like 35 seconds and then looks like just pause
“快跑...快跑.. 就像是一列轰轰作响了35秒的火车,然后好像又停了下来
and then boom hit with all the dust with black I mean huge black anybody could surviving on the street at that time."
"You can see the black smoke billowing out of the side of Pentagon,
they continue spill out and cover much of the skyline here along the area, drifting along the Potomac River, casting a haze all over the Pentagon area."

"It didn't look like it was a plane at all. It was just obliterated when it hit the ground."
"He told me he was putting a plan together that he and others are going to take by the airplane and he said you know Dina I think we can do it. It is up to us."
"And we will strive now, very hard to save as many people as possible and send a message that the City of New York
and the United States of the America is much stronger than any group of barbaric terrorists."
"Hold the suspects right now, but I know that the US is looking at the Middle East and frankly we are have to put Osama Bin Laden top of the list."
"We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed the attacks and those who harbor them."
"We've got to do something now and do it immediately. I mean I...we're entitled of the some semblance to securities, some semblance of rationality.
I think that all die to New York. I've been in the city for years and I've never heard the silence to the sad that I've heard tonight.
This city is in shock and unless you hear tonight, you don't quite comprehend."