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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "In future, you will tell me what you know, Lord Varys. All of what you know."
  • “瓦里斯大人,以后你知道什么,务必通通告诉我,不准有任何隐瞒。”
  • The eunuch's smile was sly. "That might take rather a long time, my good lord. I know quite a lot."
  • 太监露出狡黠的微笑,“亲爱的大人啊,那恐怕得花老长一段时间哟。我知道的事可实在不少呢。”
  • Not enough to save this child, it would seem.
  • “知道再多有什么用,可惜救不了这孩子。”
  • Alas, no. There was another bastard, the boy, older.
  • “哎呀,可不是嘛?其实还有另一个私生子,是个男孩,年纪稍微大一点。
  • I took steps to see him removed from harm's way... but I confess, I never dreamed the babe would be at risk.
  • 我已经打点过,确保他不会碰上麻烦……但我承认,我作梦也想不到连小婴儿都会遭殃。
  • A baseborn girl, less than a year old, with a whore for a mother. What threat could she pose?
  • 不过是出身低贱的小女孩,未满周岁,她娘又是个妓女,这哪能构成什么威胁嘛,你说是不?”
  • She was Robert's, Tyrion said bitterly. "That was enough for Cersei, it would seem."
  • “她是劳勃的孩子,”提利昂忿忿地说,“对瑟曦而言,光这一点就够了。”
  • Yes. It is grievous sad. I must blame myself for the poor sweet babe and her mother, who was so young and loved the king.
  • “是啊,真教人心痛。说起来,都是我不好,才会让这可怜的好孩子和她妈妈遭遇不幸。她妈妈年纪轻轻就香消玉殒,她可是深爱着我们的先王啊。”
  • Did she? Tyrion had never seen the dead girl's face, but in his mind she was Shae and Tysha both.
  • “是么?”提利昂不知那女孩长什么样,但在他心目中的她是雪伊和泰莎的合体,
  • "Can a whore truly love anyone, I wonder? No, don't answer. Some things I would rather not know."
  • “我在想,到底妓女能不能真心爱一个人?不,不要回答,有些事还是别知道的好。”
  • He had settled Shae in a sprawling stoneand-timber manse, with its own well and stable and garden;
  • 他把雪伊安顿在一栋宽广的木石大宅里,拥有独立的马厩、水井和花园。
  • he had given her servants to see to her wants, a white bird from the Summer Isles to keep her company,
  • 他给了她众多仆人以供使唤,还买来一只盛夏群岛的白鸟与她为伴。
  • silks and silver and gemstones to adorn her, guards to protect her. And yet she seemed restive.
  • 她有了绫罗绸缎、金银珠宝,还有专门保护她的守卫,但她依旧不满足。
  • She wanted to be with him more, she told him; she wanted to serve him and help him.
  • 照她说,她只想和他在一起,服侍他,帮他的忙。


"In future, you will tell me what you know, Lord Varys. All of what you know."

The eunuch's smile was sly. "That might take rather a long time, my good lord. I know quite a lot."
Not enough to save this child, it would seem.
Alas, no. There was another bastard, the boy, older. I took steps to see him removed from harm's way... but I confess, I never dreamed the babe would be at risk. A baseborn girl, less than a year old, with a whore for a mother. What threat could she pose?

She was Robert's, Tyrion said bitterly. "That was enough for Cersei, it would seem."

Yes. It is grievous sad. I must blame myself for the poor sweet babe and her mother, who was so young and loved the king.
Did she? Tyrion had never seen the dead girl's face, but in his mind she was Shae and Tysha both. "Can a whore truly love anyone, I wonder? No, don't answer. Some things I would rather not know." He had settled Shae in a sprawling stoneand-timber manse, with its own well and stable and garden; he had given her servants to see to her wants, a white bird from the Summer Isles to keep her company, silks and silver and gemstones to adorn her, guards to protect her. And yet she seemed restive. She wanted to be with him more, she told him; she wanted to serve him and help him.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
adorn [ə'dɔ:n]


v. 装饰,佩戴

confess [kən'fes]


v. 承认,告白,忏悔

bastard ['bæstəd]


adj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

grievous ['gri:vəs]


adj. 痛苦的,严重的,充满悲伤的

sprawling ['sprɔ:liŋ]


adj. 蔓生的,不规则地伸展的 v. (手脚)不自然地

restive ['restiv]


adj. 不愿向前走的,倔强的,难驾御的

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle





