This is BBC news, here are the headlines.
Indonesia says the number of people killed by Friday's earthquake and tsunami could rise to thousands.
More than 400 people are known to have died.
But there's been no word yet from the city of the quakes epicenter Donggala which is home to 300,000 people.
但地震的震中城市栋加拉还没有消息 该市有30万人口
A woman in the Far East of Russia has told the BBC she recognizes one of the key suspects in the Salisbury Novichok attack as a decorated military officer.
俄罗斯远东地区的一名女子告诉BBC 她认出了索尔兹伯里诺维乔克袭击事件中的一名嫌犯 称其是一名授勋军官
The BBC travelled to a village east of Moscow where he grew up to verify research carried out by the Bellingcat investigative website.
BBC前往莫斯科东部该军官长大的村庄 核实调查网站Bellingcat进行的调查
And Elon Musk has agreed to stand down as chairman of the electric carmaker Tesla and pay a 20 million dollar fine.
伊隆·马斯克同意辞去电动汽车公司特斯拉的董事长一职 并支付2000万美元罚款
A case stems from a tweet in which he said he wanted to take the company back into private hands.