A night rehearsal for Russia’s annual May 9 Victory Day parade in Red Square,and this year’s debut of President Vladimir Putin’s “Youth Army”.
From just 100 members a year ago, the so-called Yunarmiya Patriotic Movement has grown to more than 30,000, aged between 11 and 18.
Nt rehsl f Rus an 9/5 Vday in Red s
n this yr’s debt P Putin “Y army”
Fm 100 mbr y ←
YunamPatriMmt ↑30000 11~18
rehearsal: n. 排演;彩排;排练;演习
Red Square: 位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科市中心,红场是莫斯科最古老的广场 ,是重大历史事件的见证场所,也是俄罗斯重要节日举行群众集会、大型庆典和阅兵活动的地方。
“The truth is that Yunarmiya is a sort of preventive work.Preventive work against involvement of young people of Russia into the protest movement.”
Unauthorized nationwide anti-corruption protests on March 26 surprised many with their scale,defiance, and the large turnout of Russian youth.
Tru:Yumyst of prvtwk
Prvtwkagivvm y ppl of Rus into prtstmvm
X authtz natwd xcorup prts on Mar 26 surp mn w sca/defia/∑trnt Rs y
adj. 非法的;未被授权的;独断的
Was it a hoax, a guess or an unauthorized leak?
defiance: n. 蔑视;挑战;反抗
But in a symbolic act of defiance, the Russians decide to hold an orchestral concert.
turnout: n. 产量;出席者;参加人数;出动;清除;[公路] 岔道
Despite minimal coverage in the dominant state media,tens of thousands took part and hundreds were detained, including 20-year-old David-Viktor Ratkin.
Dspt mini cvrg dmnt sta med
10 of 1000 tk pt n huds detnd
(20 y Dav Vic Rak)
adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的
n. 显性
Every ten years or so, a new dominant platform emerges to elevate computing to another level.
detained: v. 被扣留,[法] 扣留
He was detained as suspects.
“It was rather easy to get the information if you are a user of social networks.The older generation are not internet users and get most of their information from television that doesn’t give protests any coverage.”
Ez to → info if u r a user of sns.
Od gene r x ie usr n get mo info fm tv dsnt gv prst any cvrg
Pro-Kremlin groups have been reaching out online to Russian youth with anti-Western propaganda.
Putin’s Youth Army raises concerns about a militarize generation of nationalists.
Pro klm gp hv b rchin out onln to Rus y w anti W ppgd
Pt’s Y Army ↗ccn abt a mili gene of nati
Pro-: 亲……
militarize v. 军事化
“One should certainly be on the alert about that.There are nationalist organizations of young people not under the auspices of the Kremlin.But it seems to me that the Kremlin, so far,is losing in this field of the direct struggle between the pro-Kremlin youth and anti-Kremlin one.”
One shou cert b on the alrt abt tat
Nati orga of y ppl not ﹋aspc of Kel
Sm to me Kel losn this fied of the dir strgl pro k~anti k
vt. 警告;使警觉,使意识到
adj. 警惕的,警觉的;留心的
n. 警戒,警惕;警报
They were quiet during the alert.
Auspice: n. 赞助,主办;吉兆
China appeals that the international conference on the Middle East issue under the auspice ofthe UN Security Council should be held as soon as possible.
Students posted videos showing teachers being challenged after warning them not to join opposition protests or complain about corruption.
But while some of Russia’s urban youth are stirring, they remain a minority.
Stu po vd : tch chan aft war them x join oppost prst or cmpln abt corup
Wh som Rus urb y r stir
Th rem mino
adj. 激动人心的;活跃的,活泼的;忙碌的
v. 激起
Everyone in the house was stirring.
“My forecast is not optimistic because the majority of the population are couch potatoes,not doing anything, and supporting the course of the present authorities.”
My fcst x optmis becuz maj of ppl r cou popt not do any n sup the cou of pre autho
couch potatoes:电视迷
The Kremlin’s message with these annual shows of military strength is clear,Russia is prepared to defend itself and its interests.But, introducing its so-called Youth Army at this year’s parade underscores a growing concern for the Kremlin -the need to cultivate support among a younger generation of Russians.
Kel msg w anl sho of mili strth is clr
Rus is prep to dfnd self intere
Bu intdc its so c y army @ this y pard ! a ↗ccn for kel the nd to cultv sup amo a y gene Rus//
Underscores: vt.强调
When talking to the media, we need to adhere to strict standards of transparency about clients, and this incident underscores the absolute importance of that principle.
cultivate: v. 栽培;培育;加强(友谊、爱情等)