This episode is sponsored by Rachael Ray Nutrish Natural Food for Cats.
本节目由雷雷营养天然 猫粮赞助播出
Hi guys, I'm Catie Wayne And this is Animalist News.
大家好 我是凯蒂·维恩 欢迎来到"动物新闻"
And if you don't like to see me gush about the majestic beauty and wonder that is the animal kingdom, you should just be on your merry way.
如果你不喜欢看我对动物王国的雄奇美丽而感叹 那么你要保持克制了
So much gushing is about to happen. Aaah.
因为前方会产生大量感叹 啊…
Have you ever seen deer?
They're adorable.
Have you ever seen a baby deer?
I can't even handle how adorable that is.
Have you ever seen a mommy deer with her baby deer?
Maybe the cutest thing on the planet.
But you want to know what else is adorable?
The fact that mommy deer respond not only to the sounds that their own babies make but to an array of noises made by different animal babies.
事实上鹿妈妈不仅回应 它们小宝贝的声音而且也对不同宝宝发出的声音做回应
Mule and white tail deer will respond to distress calls made by babies outside of their species, provided that the calls are within the same frequency range of young deer.
骡子和白尾鹿会对他们种族之外的动物宝宝的哀鸣有所回应 只要那个声音是在小鹿同样频率范围之内
But you know? Argh.
但是你知道吗? 哈哈~~
And according to Susan Lingo of the University of Winnipeg and Tobias Reed of Midwestern University, this may be a trait shared across mammals.
据温尼伯大学的 苏珊·林格和中西部大学的 托比亚·里德 研究这可能是哺乳动物的一个共性
But that frequency range is important.
Lingo and Reed noticed that mommy deer would only respond to other fawns if their calls fell within the frequency range of their own species.
And they were curious to see if they would respond similarly to babies of other species.
The experiment was relatively simple.
They basically just hid a speaker a few feet away from mommy dearest-- that is an exceptional pun-- and played distress calls from different species, and watched what they did.
他们基本是在几英尺远的地方秘密安装了一个喇叭 用来播放妈咪最爱的 - 其实是伪造的来自不同物种的哀鸣声 然后看它们的反应
When they heard young ungulates, fur seals, marmots, and cats, they came within 10 meters of the speaker and within 25 meters for sea lions, bats, and humans.
当它们听到来自有蹄类动物 海狗 土拨鼠 还有猫的宝宝的声音时它们会凑近到喇叭10米范围内 当听到海狮 蝙蝠 人类的宝宝声音时 它们会保持在25米范围内
Why is this so adorable?
I don't know.
You guys should tell me in the comments below.
And if you'd like to learn about some would be animal moms, watch this video about pandas faking pregnancies.
如果你想了解一些即将成为妈妈的动物 可以看看这个假装怀孕的大熊猫的视频吧
I love you all, and I'll see you next time.
爱你们大家 下次见!
Thanks again to Rachael Ray Nutrish for sponsoring this episode.