Octomom move over!
Here are the most baby obsessed animals in the world.
Number one, the sea urchin.
第一 海胆
When a female sea urchin finds a mate,
she releases millions of jelly coated eggs into the sea.
In her lifetime she will have released 500 million eggs.
These single, unfertilized cells are about 10 times the size of a human blood cell.
If one of the billions of sperm cells that are released by the male finds an egg, the baby will float in the sea before it matures into an adult.
如果由雄性释放的上亿个精细胞中的一个发现了一个卵细胞 小宝宝会在海里漂浮直到它成年
Number two, rabbits. Duh.
第二 兔子 对
Larger breeds, like the eastern cottontail, can have about 50 children per mating season.
比较大的品种 例如东部短尾兔每个繁殖季可以生大约50个孩子
And let's not forget that half the children will be females, who mature in three months and give birth to grandchildren bunnies.
而让我们不要忘记有一半的孩子会是雌性 在3个月内就会成熟 然后生第三代小兔子
Number three, the redback spider.
第三 赤背蜘蛛
You might remember this arachnid from our video about animals that have killer sex.
The female usually eats the male after he inseminates her.
Then mama spider will use his sperm to lay batches of 3,000 eggs every one to three weeks.
The babies hatch in 30 days, and in four months they can lay eggs of their own.
蜘蛛宝宝30天内就能孵化 在4个月内他们可以生自己的宝宝
Number four, deer mice.
第四 鹿鼠
Rodents are champion breeders.
A mouse mom could deliver about 10 babies per month if conditions were right.
一个老鼠妈妈一个月内可以生大约十个孩子 如果条件允许的话
That's 120 offspring per year.
And the moms can get pregnant again in just 12 hours after they give birth.
If food is abundant, then mice pups are abundant.
如果食物充足 小老鼠会数不胜数
Number five, the ocean sunfish, also known as the mola mola.
第五 海洋太阳鱼 也称作翻车鲀
This fish is referred to as one of the most fecund extant vertebrates on the planet.
Not by me, I have no idea what that means.
不是我叫的 我对那个含义没有想法
Read on they say.
Apparently it means it produces a lot of eggs.
The female makes a nest at the ocean floor and lay 300 million eggs there in a single breeding season.
The male sunfish deposits his sperm and then guards the nest for a brief time.
And be sure to check out our other video, Parasites That'll Turn You into a Zombie.
The CDC says about 60 million people in the US are infected with this parasite, and most don't even know it.
疾病防治中心说美国约有6000万个人被这种寄生虫感染 而大多数人甚至毫不知情
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