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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Just imagine. Life becomes so much lighter.
  • 放飞想象 生命变得更加轻盈
  • So much simpler. When, rather than trying to fight or defeat our nature.
  • 更加简单 不是想办法战斗打败我们的本性
  • We accept it. We accept who we are.
  • 我们接受它 我们接受自己
  • We accept whatever emotion comes up. Deep, slow inhalation.
  • 我们接受出现的一切情绪 深深 缓慢地吸气
  • Slow, gentle, quiet, calm exhalation. Take a few deep breaths in silence.
  • 缓慢 平稳 安静 平静地呼气 安静地深呼吸几次
  • Embrace the silence, the stillness. Embrace yourself, your emotions.
  • 拥抱这份安静 静止 拥护你自己 你的情绪
  • And on your next exhalation deep, slow, quiet exhalation.
  • 下次呼气 深深 缓慢 安静地呼气
  • Open your eyes. If the person next to you is asleep.
  • 睁开你的眼睛 如果你身边的人睡着了
  • Gently wake him or her up. Just imagine.
  • 轻轻地把他或她唤醒 放飞想象
  • Just imagine the kind of life that you can experience hush the kind of life you can lead.
  • 想象你将体验怎样的生活 你将拥有怎样的生活
  • If you truly, genuinely, really gave yourself the permission to be human.
  • 如果你真的 准许自己为人
  • It's one of the pillars of healthy life, psychologically, physiologically.
  • 它是健康人生的支柱之一 不论是心理上还是身体上
  • So try it. Everyday remind yourself just once or twice.
  • 试试吧 每天提醒自己一两次
  • To give yourself the permission to be human. And give others that same permission.
  • 准许自己为人 同样也准许别人这样做
  • You deserve it.I'll see you on Thursday
  • 你们应得的 周四见


Just imagine. Life becomes so much lighter.

放飞想象 生命变得更加轻盈
So much simpler. When, rather than trying to fight or defeat our nature.
更加简单 不是想办法战斗打败我们的本性
We accept it. We accept who we are.
我们接受它 我们接受自己
We accept whatever emotion comes up. Deep, slow inhalation.
我们接受出现的一切情绪 深深 缓慢地吸气
Slow, gentle, quiet, calm exhalation. Take a few deep breaths in silence.
缓慢 平稳 安静 平静地呼气 安静地深呼吸几次
Embrace the silence, the stillness. Embrace yourself, your emotions.
拥抱这份安静 静止 拥护你自己 你的情绪
And on your next exhalation deep, slow, quiet exhalation.
下次呼气 深深 缓慢 安静地呼气
Open your eyes. If the person next to you is asleep.
睁开你的眼睛 如果你身边的人睡着了
Gently wake him or her up. Just imagine.
轻轻地把他或她唤醒 放飞想象
Just imagine the kind of life that you can experience hush the kind of life you can lead.
想象你将体验怎样的生活 你将拥有怎样的生活
If you truly, genuinely, really gave yourself the permission to be human.
如果你真的 准许自己为人
It's one of the pillars of healthy life, psychologically, physiologically.
它是健康人生的支柱之一 不论是心理上还是身体上
So try it. Everyday remind yourself just once or twice.
试试吧 每天提醒自己一两次
To give yourself the permission to be human. And give others that same permission.
准许自己为人 同样也准许别人这样做
You deserve it.I'll see you no Thursday
你们应得的 周四见

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stillness ['stilnis]


n. 静止,沉静

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

deserve [di'zə:v]


vi. 应该得到
vt. 应受,值得

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

hush [hʌʃ]


n. 肃静,安静,沉默
vi. 安静下来,掩饰

exhalation [.ekshə'leiʃən]


n. 呼气,蒸发,散发物

psychologically [,psaikə'lɔdʒikəli]


adv. 心理上地;心理学地

physiologically [.fiziə'lɔdʒikəli]


adv. 生理上,在生理学上

inhalation [,inhə'leiʃən]


n. 吸入;吸入药剂





