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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Take a deep breath in all the way down to your belly.
  • 向腹部深深吸气
  • And then breathe out. Again, deep breath in;.
  • 然后呼气 再一次深深吸气
  • Slow, gentle, quiet breath out. Repeat that in silence.
  • 缓慢 平稳 安静地呼气 安静地重复呼吸
  • If your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your breathing. Deep, slow inhalation.
  • 如果走神了 回到呼吸上 深深缓慢地吸气
  • Deep, slow, gentle, quiet exhalation. Most of us don't breathe deeply enough.
  • 深深缓慢 平稳 安静地呼气 多数人吸气的深度不够
  • We don't take the time to celebrate our breath, our spirit, our being.
  • 我们没时间赞美我们的呼吸 我们的精神 我们的存在
  • The connection, the link, the bridge between our mind and our body;.
  • 联系 关联 心灵与身体的桥梁
  • Between our emotions and our thoughts; between the brain and the heart.
  • 情绪和思想的桥梁 脑和心的桥梁
  • Continue with the deep breathing. As you continue with the deep breath.
  • 继续深呼吸 继续深呼吸的同时
  • Shift your focus to your emotions, to your feelings. How are you doing.
  • 将焦点转向情绪 转向感受 你们好吗?
  • How are you feeling? Pay attention to your emotions.
  • 感觉如何? 注意你的情绪
  • Whatever they are, whatever it is that your feeling, allow it to float through you. Naturally.
  • 不论是怎样的情绪 不论感觉到什么 让它流过你的全身 自然地
  • Just experience your emotion whatever it is. You may feel one emotion at one moment.
  • 体会那种情绪 你可能先体会到一种情绪


Take a deep breath in all the way down to your belly.

And then breathe out. Again, deep breath in;.
然后呼气 再一次深深吸气
Slow, gentle, quiet breath out. Repeat that in silence.
缓慢 平稳 安静地呼气 安静地重复呼吸
If your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your breathing. Deep, slow inhalation.
如果走神了 回到呼吸上 深深缓慢地吸气
Deep, slow, gentle, quiet exhalation. Most of us don't breathe deeply enough.
深深缓慢 平稳 安静地呼气 多数人吸气的深度不够
We don't take the time to celebrate our breath, our spirit, our being.
我们没时间赞美我们的呼吸 我们的精神 我们的存在
The connection, the link, the bridge between our mind and our body;.
联系 关联 心灵与身体的桥梁
Between our emotions and our thoughts; between the brain and the heart.
情绪和思想的桥梁 脑和心的桥梁
Continue with the deep breathing. As you continue with the deep breath.
继续深呼吸 继续深呼吸的同时
Shift your focus to your emotions, to your feelings. How are you doing.
将焦点转向情绪 转向感受 你们好吗?
How are you feeling? Pay attention to your emotions.
感觉如何? 注意你的情绪
Whatever they are, whatever it is that your feeling, allow it to float through you. Naturally.
不论是怎样的情绪 不论感觉到什么 让它流过你的全身 自然地
Just experience your emotion whatever it is. You may feel one emotion at one moment.
体会那种情绪 你可能先体会到一种情绪

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gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

exhalation [.ekshə'leiʃən]


n. 呼气,蒸发,散发物

inhalation [,inhə'leiʃən]


n. 吸入;吸入药剂

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬





