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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • How we can cognitively reframe what we were thinking. But the emotion that affect is the emotion.
  • 如何认知性地重塑自己的想法 但情绪 情感即情绪
  • It is what it is. And the key is to be true to reality.
  • 是无法改变的 重要的是要真实面对现实
  • Which is also one of the main themes in the course. In many ways, this course should not be called Positive Psychology.
  • 这也是本门课的重要主题之一 从很多方面来说这门课不该叫积极心理学
  • But I am telling you this after you already signed up for the class so it is too late to leave.
  • 我在你们选了这门课后才挑明 想退课也晚了
  • This is actually not a course on positive psychology. It's a course in reality psychology.
  • 这门课不是讲积极心理学 而是一门现实心理学课程
  • Because positive psychology may mean that we are only focusing on the positive and what works.
  • 因为积极心理学可能表示 我们只聚焦于积极的起作用的部分
  • Ignoring all the rest that are not. Overdoing this class is shifting the pendulum.
  • 忽略其余不起作用的 我们要做的就像是改变钟摆幅度
  • So there is more even playing field instead of the 21:1 ratio, we are doing much more, focusing on the positive.
  • 比起21比1的比率 两方更均衡 我们做得更多 除了专注于积极的一面
  • And at the same time, accepting the painful emotions.
  • 与此同时 也认同痛苦的情绪
  • Are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions. And sooner we accept it, the better.
  • 和美好的情绪一样都是人性的组成 我们越早接受越好
  • That won't mean at the end of the course of 1504 or 100 or 100 other courses in the workshop.
  • 那并不代表在1504课程结束后 或修读完另外100门课程
  • And sold the books that you read, it's not that you will not have painful emotions anymore.
  • 然后就可以把读过的书丢了 并不是说 你就不会再感受到痛苦的情绪
  • It's simply your psychological immune system will become stronger, hopefully already by the end of this semester.
  • 只是你的心理免疫系统会变得更强 希望在本学期未就见成效
  • Psychological immune system will become stronger. And that means not that we don't get ill.
  • 心理免疫系统会变得更强 那不表示我们不再得病
  • It means we get ill less often and when we do get sick, we'll recover more promptly.
  • 而是意味着我们更有抵抗力 即使得病 也能很快康复


How we can cognitively reframe what we were thinking. But the emotion that affect is the emotion.

如何认知性地重塑自己的想法 但情绪 情感即情绪
It is what it is. And the key is to be true to reality.
是无法改变的 重要的是要真实面对现实
Which is also one of the main themes in the course. In many ways, this course should not be called Positive Psychology.
这也是本门课的重要主题之一 从很多方面来说这门课不该叫积极心理学
But I am telling you this after you already signed up for the class so it is too late to leave.
我在你们选了这门课后才挑明 想退课也晚了
This is actually not a course on positive psychology. It's a course in reality psychology.
这门课不是讲积极心理学 而是一门现实心理学课程
Because positive psychology may mean that we are only focusing on the positive and what works.
因为积极心理学可能表示 我们只聚焦于积极的起作用的部分
Ignoring all the rest that are not. Overdoing this class is shifting the pendulum.
忽略其余不起作用的 我们要做的就像是改变钟摆幅度
So there is more even playing field instead of the 21:1 ratio, we are doing much more, focusing on the positive.
比起21比1的比率 两方更均衡 我们做得更多 除了专注于积极的一面
And at the same time, accepting the painful emotions.
与此同时 也认同痛苦的情绪
Are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions. And sooner we accept it, the better.
和美好的情绪一样都是人性的组成 我们越早接受越好
That won't mean at the end of the course of 1504 or 100 or 100 other courses in the workshop.
那并不代表在1504课程结束后 或修读完另外100门课程
And sold the books that you read, it's not that you will not have painful emotions anymore.
然后就可以把读过的书丢了 并不是说 你就不会再感受到痛苦的情绪
It's simply your psychological immune system will become stronger, hopefully already by the end of this semester.
只是你的心理免疫系统会变得更强 希望在本学期未就见成效
Psychological immune system will become stronger. And that means not that we don't get ill.
心理免疫系统会变得更强 那不表示我们不再得病
It means we get ill less often and when we do get sick, we'll recover more promptly.
而是意味着我们更有抵抗力 即使得病 也能很快康复

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promptly [prɔmptli]


adv. 敏捷地,迅速地

pendulum ['pendjuləm]


n. 摆,钟摆,摇摆不定的事态(或局面)

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的

shifting [ʃiftiŋ]


n. 转移 adj. 不断改换的 动词shift的现在分

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

immune [i'mju:n]


adj. 免除的,免疫的





