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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And if it is true about the Dalai Lama, that is because he's worked on it for decades.
  • 如果说达赖喇嘛真的无欲无求 那也是修行几十年的结果
  • Envy is part of human nature nothing good or bad about the envy.
  • 嫉妒是人性的一部分 嫉妒没有好坏之分
  • Nothing good or bad about experiencing the anger. Nothing good or bad about experiencing the depression or anxiety.
  • 愤怒也无好坏之分 抑郁和焦虑也无好坏之分
  • It's part of human nature. However, the question is.
  • 那是人性的一部分 问题在于
  • How do I choose to behave, to act as a result of it.
  • 我要选择怎样的行为 去表达情感?
  • That is where the moral domain enters. That's where I can have moral or immoral behavior.
  • 道德在此介入 我可以选择道德和不道德的行为
  • Toward my best friend or baby, or other people in general. I can still experience envy toward my best friend.
  • 对待最好的朋友 孩子或一般人 我仍会嫉妒最好的朋友
  • And choose to behave generously and benevolently toward him. The same with cognition and we will talk a lot about it.
  • 但选择对他宽容和亲切 认知也是如此 我们会深入讨论认知
  • When we talk about CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I can feel it certain way.
  • 当谈到认知行为治疗时 我可以感受它
  • But it doesn't mean that I need to resign to my thoughts about that feeling.
  • 但不代表 我要屈从于对那种感受的想法
  • Rumination is one of the things that we'll talk about a lot actually not that helpful.
  • 我们会频繁谈到沉思 其实沉思痛苦的情绪
  • To ruminate about painful emotions. It's much helpful to write about them.
  • 没有多大帮助 书写描述更有帮助
  • To talk to other people about them, rather than just be thinking constantly about.
  • 向别人倾诉更有帮助 要胜过总是想着
  • How miserable I am because my girlfriend just left. I haven't found anyone in Pinocchio's.
  • 被女朋友甩了多么的惨 我还没在快餐店找到新目标
  • So rumination doesn't help. So I don't necessarily accept.
  • 沉思没有帮助 我没有必要接受
  • All my irrational thoughts and again, we'll talk about it much more next week of.
  • 所有不理智的想法 下周我们会更深入地探讨


And if it is true about the Dalai Lama, that is because he's worked on it for decades.

如果说达赖喇嘛真的无欲无求 那也是修行几十年的结果
Envy is part of human nature nothing good or bad about the envy.
嫉妒是人性的一部分 嫉妒没有好坏之分
Nothing good or bad about experiencing the anger. Nothing good or bad about experiencing the depression or anxiety.
愤怒也无好坏之分 抑郁和焦虑也无好坏之分
It's part of human nature. However, the question is.
那是人性的一部分 问题在于
How do I choose to behave, to act as a result of it.
我要选择怎样的行为 去表达情感?
That is where the moral domain enters. That's where I can have moral or immoral behavior.
道德在此介入 我可以选择道德和不道德的行为
Toward my best friend or baby, or other people in general. I can still experience envy toward my best friend.
对待最好的朋友 孩子或一般人 我仍会嫉妒最好的朋友
And choose to behave generously and benevolently toward him. The same with cognition and we will talk a lot about it.
但选择对他宽容和亲切 认知也是如此 我们会深入讨论认知
When we talk about CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I can feel it certain way.
当谈到认知行为治疗时 我可以感受它
But it doesn't mean that I need to resign to my thoughts about that feeling.
但不代表 我要屈从于对那种感受的想法
Rumination is one of the things that we'll talk about a lot actually not that helpful.
我们会频繁谈到沉思 其实沉思痛苦的情绪
To ruminate about painful emotions. It's much helpful to write about them.
没有多大帮助 书写描述更有帮助
To talk to other people about them, rather than just be thinking constantly about.
向别人倾诉更有帮助 要胜过总是想着
How miserable I am because my girlfriend just left. I haven't found anyone in Pinocchio's.
被女朋友甩了多么的惨 我还没在快餐店找到新目标
So rumination doesn't help. So I don't necessarily accept.
沉思没有帮助 我没有必要接受
All my irrational thoughts and again, we'll talk about it much more next week of.
所有不理智的想法 下周我们会更深入地探讨

重点单词   查看全部解释    
miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

resign [ri'zain]


v. 辞职,放弃,顺从,听任

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

cognitive ['kɔgnitiv]


adj. 认知的,认识的,有认识力的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

immoral [i'mɔ:rəl]


adj. 不道德的

therapy ['θerəpi]


n. 疗法,治疗

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

irrational [i'ræʃənəl]


n. 无理数 adj. 无理性的,不合理的

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地





