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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And then when everyone says, Oh fine. Oh great. Oh terrific.
  • 每个人都说 很好 棒极了 妙不可言
  • Then we are asked How are you doing? I am not going to be the only party poop here.
  • 当我们被问到你好吗?时 我才不要作唯一的扫把星
  • I am not going to be the only depressed one around here. So I said, Oh fine. Oh great.
  • 我才不要作唯一的丧气鬼 于是我说很好 棒极了
  • And then we contribute to this great deception and it is this great deception that leads to the great depression.
  • 就这样我们帮忙壮大了这个大骗局 正是这个大骗局导致严重的抑郁
  • The great depression in the ultimate currency of happiness.
  • 严重的抑郁是快乐付出的终极代价
  • This, to great extent.Explains why so many people today experience depression the 45% figure.
  • 这很好地解释了,为什么今天有那么多人 感到抑郁 达到45%
  • Nationwide on college campuses. Not enough permission to be human.
  • 全国大学校园都如此 没有足够的准许为人
  • I am not talking about wearing our heart on our sleeves. When someone comes to us.
  • 我不是说要我们肆无忌惮地表达情绪 有人走向我们
  • In the elevator in William James , I says, How are you doing.
  • 在William James大厅的电梯里 我说你好吗?
  • Thank you for asking. You know it all started when I was three.
  • 感谢关心 这得从我三岁时说起
  • You know This is not what I am talking about. This is not what I am talking about.
  • 我不是这个意思
  • In William James, maybe the case. Because the elevator it does take two hours to get there for the door to close.
  • 在William James大厅也许会遇到这种事,因为那部电梯 运作得太慢
  • But other than that. I'm not talking about.
  • 但不是那样 我不是那个意思
  • What I'm talking about is a space, a safe space in our lives with our closest friends.
  • 我的意思是一个空间 生活中的私密空间 和挚友一起时
  • With our family, first and foremost, with ourselves, will we have the permission to be human.
  • 和家人在一起时 最重要的是面对自己时 我们要准许自己为人
  • And what I'm not talking about is resignation.
  • 我说的不是屈从


And then when everyone says, Oh fine. Oh great. Oh terrific.

每个人都说 很好 棒极了 妙不可言
Then we are asked How are you doing? I am not going to be the only party poop here.
当我们被问到你好吗?时 我才不要作唯一的扫把星
I am not going to be the only depressed one around here. So I said, Oh fine. Oh great.
我才不要作唯一的丧气鬼 于是我说很好 棒极了
And then we contribute to this great deception and it is this great deception that leads to the great depression.
就这样我们帮忙壮大了这个大骗局 正是这个大骗局导致严重的抑郁
The great depression in the ultimate currency of happiness. This, to great extent.
严重的抑郁是快乐付出的终极代价 这很好地解释了
Explains why so many people today experience depression the 45% figure.
为什么今天有那么多人 感到抑郁 达到45%
Nationwide on college campuses. Not enough permission to be human.
全国大学校园都如此 没有足够的准许为人
I am not talking about wearing our heart on our sleeves. When someone comes to us.
我不是说要我们肆无忌惮地表达情绪 有人走向我们
In the elevator in William James (William James Hall), I says, How are you doing.
在William James大厅的电梯里 我说你好吗?
Thank you for asking. You know it all started when I was three.
感谢关心 这得从我三岁时说起
This is not what I am talking about. In William James, maybe the case.
我不是这个意思 在William James大厅也许会遇到这种事
Because the elevator it does take two hours to get there for the door to close.
因为那部电梯 运作得太慢
But other than that. I'm not talking about.
但不是那样 我不是那个意思
What I'm talking about is a space, a safe space in our lives with our closest friends.
我的意思是一个空间 生活中的私密空间 和挚友一起时
With our family, first and foremost, with ourselves, will we have the permission to be human.
和家人在一起时 最重要的是面对自己时 我们要准许自己为人
And what I'm not talking about is resignation.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
deception [di'sepʃən]


n. 骗局,诡计,欺诈

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

elevator ['eliveitə]


n. 电梯,飞机升降舵,斗式皮带输送机

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

ultimate ['ʌltimit]


n. 终极,根本,精华
adj. 终极的,根本

depressed [di'prest]


adj. 沮丧的,降低的,不景气的,萧条的,凹陷的,扁平

contribute [kən'tribju:t]


vt. 捐助,投稿
vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因

resignation [.rezig'neiʃən]


n. 辞职,辞呈,顺从

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许





