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神秘幻想故事集(MP3+中英字幕) 第4章:威廉·威尔逊(11)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I thought back to the moment when the stranger had come into the room.
  • 我回想起陌生人闯进屋子的那一刻。
  • Yes, he had been wearing a cloak too… Full of fear, I quickly took the cloak from Mr. Preston and left the room.
  • 是的,他也披着一件斗篷……我满心恐惧,迅速从普雷斯顿先生手中接过斗篷,离开了这间屋子。
  • The next morning I left Oxford and escaped to Europe.
  • 第二天早晨,我离开了牛津,逃到欧洲大陆上去。
  • I was now known to be a cheat at cards and every door in England would be closed against me.
  • 我现在因为玩牌作弊而臭名昭著,英格兰的每一扇门都将对我关闭了。
  • But bad luck travelled with me.
  • 但是坏运气一直伴随着我。
  • In fact I soon realized that my troubles at Oxford had been only the beginning… Soon after I arrived in Paris, I met William Wilson again.
  • 其实,我不久就认识到,我在牛津惹的麻烦仅仅是个开始……我到了巴黎之后不久,便又遇到了威廉·威尔逊。
  • There, too, he destroyed my evil hopes.
  • 他在那里继续摧毁着我作恶的希望。
  • Everywhere I went, year after year, he appeared like a ghost and came between me and my plans.
  • 年复一年,无论我走到哪儿,他都要像个鬼魂一样现身,在我和我的计划之间横插一杠子。
  • In Rome he stopped me from getting what I wanted.
  • 在罗马,他阻止我去得到我想要的东西;
  • In Vienna, too-in Berlin, and even in Moscow! Wasn't there anywhere where I could be left alone?
  • 在维也纳,我同样难遂心愿;在柏林,甚至在莫斯科,也是如此!难道就没有一个让我不受干扰的地方吗?
  • I went from city to city, trying to escape from him.
  • 我一座城市一座城市地漫游,试图躲开他,
  • But I couldn't feel free.
  • 但一直不能获得自由的感觉,
  • I couldn't be alone. He followed me everywhere.
  • 不能一个人独处。他跟着我到每一个地方。
  • Again and again I used to ask myself these questions.
  • 我总是一遍又一遍地问自己这些问题:
  • "Who is he? Where does he come from? What does he want from me?'But I could find no answer.
  • “他是谁?他从哪里来?他想从我这儿得到什么?”但我找不出任何答案。
  • I thought deeply about all the times when I had seen him.
  • 我深入反省每一次见到他的情形,
  • In every city, I realized, Wilson had done the same thing.
  • 意识到,威尔逊在每一座城市所做的都是同一件事情。
  • He had not stopped my plans all the time, but only when they were evil and dangerous, either to others or to myself.
  • 他并不是总在阻止我实施自己的计划,而仅仅当那些计划是邪恶的和危险的(无论对其他人还是对我自己)之时,才不让它们得逞。
  • I understood all this, but still I was very angry.
  • 这些我都明白,但我还是非常愤怒。
  • Why couldn't Wilson leave me alone? Why couldn't he let me live in the way I wanted to?
  • 为什么威尔逊就不能不干涉我呢?为什么他就不能让我按照自己的意愿生活呢?


I thought back to the moment when the stranger had come into the room. Yes, he had been wearing a cloak too… Full of fear, I quickly took the cloak from Mr. Preston and left the room. The next morning I left Oxford and escaped to Europe. I was now known to be a cheat at cards and every door in England would be closed against me.

But bad luck travelled with me. In fact I soon realized that my troubles at Oxford had been only the beginning… Soon after I arrived in Paris, I met William Wilson again. There, too, he destroyed my evil hopes. Everywhere I went, year after year, he appeared like a ghost and came between me and my plans. In Rome he stopped me from getting what I wanted. In Vienna, too-in Berlin, and even in Moscow! Wasn't there anywhere where I could be left alone? I went from city to city, trying to escape from him. But I couldn't feel free. I couldn't be alone. He followed me everywhere.
Again and again I used to ask myself these questions. "Who is he? Where does he come from? What does he want from me?’But I could find no answer. I thought deeply about all the times when I had seen him. In every city, I realized, Wilson had done the same thing. He had not stopped my plans all the time, but only when they were evil and dangerous, either to others or to myself. I understood all this, but still I was very angry. Why couldn't Wilson leave me alone? Why couldn't he let me live in the way I wanted to?




