Getting teary for you all, and getting teary for myself. I consider today a defining milestone in a very long and an bless journey.
为你们 也为我自己喜极而泣我认为 今天是一段漫长美好的旅途中的一个标志性里程碑
My one hope today is that I can be a source of some inspiration I'm going to address my remarks to anybody, this is a speech for the quad.
Actually I was so honored. I wanted to do something really special for you.
I wanted to be able to have you look under your seats and there would be free, a free... Master and doctor degrees but I see, I see you got that covered, already.
I will be honest with you, and I felt a lot of pressure over the past few weeks. To come up with something that I could share with you.
说实话在过去的几周内 我感到压力非常大不知该与你们分享哪些
That you hadn't heard before, because after all, you all went to Harvard. I did not. But then I realized that you don't have to necessarily go to Harvard.
你们闻所未闻的内容才好毕竟你们都进了哈佛深造 而我却没有但后来我意识到 并不一定要来哈佛
To have the driven obsessive type A personality But it helps. And Well, I may not have graduated from here.
Getting teary for you all, and getting teary for myself. I consider today a defining milestone in a very long and an bless journey.
为你们 也为我自己喜极而泣我认为 今天是一段漫长美好的旅途中的一个标志性里程碑
My one hope today is that I can be a source of some inspiration I'm going to address my remarks to anybody, this is a speech for the quad.
Actually I was so honored. I wanted to do something really special for you.
I wanted to be able to have you look under your seats and there would be free, a free... Master and doctor degrees but I see, I see you got that covered, already.
I will be honest with you, and I felt a lot of pressure over the past few weeks. To come up with something that I could share with you.
说实话在过去的几周内 我感到压力非常大不知该与你们分享哪些
That you hadn't heard before, because after all, you all went to Harvard. I did not. But then I realized that you don't have to necessarily go to Harvard.
你们闻所未闻的内容才好毕竟你们都进了哈佛深造 而我却没有但后来我意识到 并不一定要来哈佛
To have the driven obsessive type A personality But it helps. And Well, I may not have graduated from here.