Harvard faculty, with a special bow to my friend, Doctor Henry Louis Gates. All of you alumni, with a special bow to the class of '88. Your 115 million dollars.
And to you, members of the Harvard class of 2013! Hello! I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your conclusion of this chapter of your lives and.
哦还有你们 2013届毕业生! 你们好!感谢你们 让我有机会
the commencement of your next chapter to say that I'm honored doesn't even begin.
与你们共度人生这一华丽篇章的谢幕时刻并开启新的篇章仅仅用荣幸一词 无法表达出
To quantify the depth of gratitude that really companies an honorary doctorate from Harvard. And not too many little girls from rural Mississippi.
Have made it all the way here to Cambridge, and I can tell you that I consider today as I sat on the stage this morning.
Harvard faculty, with a special bow to my friend, Doctor Henry Louis Gates. All of you alumni, with a special bow to the class of '88. Your 115 million dollars.
And to you, members of the Harvard class of 2013! Hello! I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your conclusion of this chapter of your lives and.
哦还有你们 2013届毕业生! 你们好!感谢你们 让我有机会
the commencement of your next chapter to say that I'm honored doesn't even begin.
与你们共度人生这一华丽篇章的谢幕时刻并开启新的篇章仅仅用荣幸一词 无法表达出
To quantify the depth of gratitude that really companies an honorary doctorate from Harvard. And not too many little girls from rural Mississippi.
Have made it all the way here to Cambridge, and I can tell you that I consider today as I sat on the stage this morning.