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呼啸山庄(MP3+中英字幕) 第43期:伊莎贝拉的故事(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We have no maids here, he answered. Joseph will show you Heathcliff's room, if you like.
  • “我们这儿没有女仆,”他回答。“约瑟夫会带你去希斯克利夫的房间,如果你愿意。
  • And—and—you'd better lock the bedroom door tonight!
  • 还有——还有——今晚你最好锁上卧室的门!”
  • Why, Mr. Earnshaw? I asked. I did not want to lock myself in with Heathcliff.
  • “为什么,欧肖先生?”我问。我不想把自己和希斯克利夫锁在房间里。
  • He brought out a gun, which had a knife attached to it.
  • 他拿出一枝枪,上面还带着一把刀子。
  • Look at this, he said. Every night I try to open his bed room door.
  • “看看这个,”他说。“我每天晚上都想橇开他卧室的门。
  • Up to now he's locked it. But one night he'll forget, and Then I'll kill him!
  • 到目前为止他都上锁。可要是哪天晚上他忘了,我就会杀了他!”
  • Why do you hate him so much? I asked.
  • “你为什么这么恨他?”我问。
  • Because he's taken everything from me! he shouted angrily. There's nothing left for Hareton to inherit!
  • “因为他抢走了我的一切!”他嚎道。“什么也没剩下让哈里顿去继承!
  • But I'm going to get it all back! and his money too, and then his blood. Then the devil can have his soul!
  • 但我会把它全夺回来的!还有他的钱,还有他的血。然后魔鬼就能收去他的灵魂!”
  • He seemed mad to me, Ellen. I left him, and went to find the old servant, Joseph.
  • 我看他好像疯了,艾伦。我离开了他,去找那个老仆约瑟夫。
  • It seemed that Heathcliff's room was locked, and there were no guest bedrooms, so in the end I slept on a chair in the child's room.
  • 希斯克利夫的房间似乎是锁着的,也没有给客人住的卧室,所以最后我在孩子的房里睡下了。
  • What a welcome to my new home!
  • 到了我的新家,他们就这么欢迎我!
  • I know Heathcliff blames Edgar for Catherine's illness.
  • 我明白希斯克利夫把凯瑟琳的病归咎于艾加。
  • He has warned me he'll make me suffer for it.
  • 他威胁过我,要我为此吃苦头。
  • Oh, I do hate him—I'm so miserable—I've been such a fool!
  • 啊,我真恨他——我真命苦——我真是个傻瓜!
  • Don't tell any one at Thrushcross Grange about this, Ellen. Come quickly—don't disappoint me!
  • 别对画眉山庄的任何人讲,艾伦。快来吧——别让我失望!
  • Isabella
  • 伊莎贝拉于呼啸山庄
  • As soon as I had read this, I asked Mr. Edgar if I could take a message from him to his sister.
  • 一读完信,我就问艾加先生我能否替他给他妹妹带个口信。
  • You may visit her this afternoon, Ellen, if you like. Tell her I'm not angry, just sorry to have lost her.
  • “你今天下午可以去看她,艾伦,如果你愿意。告诉她我不是生气,只是为失去她而难过。
  • I can't imagine she will ever be happy. I shall never visit her or write to her.
  • 我无法想像她会幸福。我不会再看她,也不会给她写信。”


We have no maids here,” he answered. “Joseph will show you Heathcliff's room, if you like. Andandyoud better lock the bedroom door tonight!’

Why, Mr. Earnshaw?’I asked. I did not want to lock myself in with Heathcliff.
He brought out a gun, which had a knife attached to it.
Look at this,” he said. “Every night I try to open his bed room door. Up to now he's locked it. But one night he'll forget, and Then I'll kill him!’
Why do you hate him so much?’I asked.
Because he's taken everything from me!’he shouted angrily. “There's nothing left for Hareton to inherit! But I'm going to get it all back! and his money too, and then his blood. Then the devil can have his soul!’
He seemed mad to me, Ellen. I left him, and went to find the old servant, Joseph. It seemed that Heathcliff's room was locked, and there were no guest bedrooms, so in the end I slept on a chair in the child's room. What a welcome to my new home!
I know Heathcliff blames Edgar for Catherine's illness. He has warned me he'll make me suffer for it. Oh, I do hate himI'm so miserableI've been such a fool! Don't tell any one at Thrushcross Grange about this, Ellen. Come quicklydon't disappoint me!
As soon as I had read this, I asked Mr. Edgar if I could take a message from him to his sister.
You may visit her this afternoon, Ellen, if you like. Tell her I'm not angry, just sorry to have lost her. I can't imagine she will ever be happy. I shall never visit her or write to her.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disappoint [.disə'pɔint]


v. 使 ... 失望

inherit [in'herit]


v. 继承,遗传

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的





