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呼啸山庄(MP3+中英字幕) 第42期:伊莎贝拉的故事(2)

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  • Heathcliff brought me here last night.
  • 希斯克利夫昨晚把我带到这儿。
  • This house is going to be my home, he says.
  • 这宅子将是我的家,他说。
  • He disappeared as soon as we arrived, so I entered the kitchen alone.
  • 一到这儿他就不见了,所以我一个人进了厨房。
  • What a miserable, depressing place it is now, Ellen! By the fire stood a dirty child.
  • 现在那儿真是个乱七八糟、令人难受的地方,艾伦!火炉旁站着一个邋遢的孩子,
  • I realized he must be Catherine's nephew, Hareton, and tried to shake his hand.
  • 我琢磨他一定就是凯瑟琳的侄子哈里顿了,于是想握握手。
  • But he greeted me by swearing at me, so I went into the hall to find somebody else.
  • 可他用咒骂的方式来欢迎我,所以我到厅里去找其他人。
  • When I knocked at another door, it was opened by a tall, thin man, with long, dirty hair hanging down to his shoulders.
  • 我去敲另一扇门,开门的是一个瘦高挑儿的男人,头发又长又脏,披到肩上。
  • I knew this must be Hindley Earnshaw, Catherine's brother and Hareton's father.
  • 我知道这一定就是亨德雷·欧肖,凯瑟琳的哥哥,哈里顿的父亲。
  • His eyes, and Hareton's, reminded me of Catherine.
  • 他的眼睛,还有哈里顿的眼睛,让我想起凯瑟琳。
  • What do you want? he asked roughly.
  • “你想干什么?”他粗鲁地问。
  • My name was Isabella Linton, I replied. Now I'm married to Mr. Heathcliff.
  • “我叫伊莎贝拉·林顿,”我回答。“我已嫁给了希斯克利夫先生。”
  • Ah, so that devil has returned! Good! he growled.
  • “哦,这么说那个恶棍回来啦!好!”他咆哮道。
  • You can imagine, Ellen, how unhappy I felt in that unpleasant house.
  • 你可以想像得到,艾伦,我在那讨厌的宅子里会多难过。
  • I knew that only four miles away was my real home, Thrushcross Grange, containing the only people I loved in the world.
  • 我清楚这儿离我真正的家画眉山庄只有四英里,那儿有我在这世上唯一爱着的人。
  • But those four miles were like an ocean, which I could not cross!
  • 但那四英里像一片汪洋,我过不去!
  • Don't tell Edgar or Catherine this, but I had hoped to find a friend at Wuthering Heights, some one to support me against Heathcliff.
  • 别把这个告诉艾加或凯瑟琳,我原指望能在呼啸山庄找到一个朋友,一个能帮助我对付希斯克利夫的人。
  • Now I realized that no one here would help me.
  • 如今我明白这儿没人能帮我。
  • After a long silence I said, Please ask a maid to show me my bedroom. I'm tired after my journey.
  • 沉默了许久之后我说,“请让个女仆带我去我的卧室。我走了那么远的路,累了。”


Heathcliff brought me here last night. This house is going to be my home, he says. He disappeared as soon as we arrived, so I entered the kitchen alone. What a miserable, depressing place it is now, Ellen! By the fire stood a dirty child. I realized he must be Catherine's nephew, Hareton, and tried to shake his hand. But he greeted me by swearing at me, so I went into the hall to find somebody else. When I knocked at another door, it was opened by a tall, thin man, with long, dirty hair hanging down to his shoulders. I knew this must be Hindley Earnshaw, Catherine's brother and Hareton's father. His eyes, and Hareton's, reminded me of Catherine.

What do you want?’he asked roughly.
My name was Isabella Linton,” I replied. “Now I'm married to Mr. Heathcliff.”
Ah, so that devil has returned! Good!’he growled.
You can imagine, Ellen, how unhappy I felt in that unpleasant house. I knew that only four miles away was my real home, Thrushcross Grange, containing the only people I loved in the world. But those four miles were like an ocean, which I could not cross! Don't tell Edgar or Catherine this, but I had hoped to find a friend at Wuthering Heights, some one to support me against Heathcliff. Now I realized that no one here would help me.
After a long silence I said, “Please ask a maid to show me my bedroom. I'm tired after my journey.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt]


adj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间





