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呼啸山庄(MP3+中英字幕) 第46期:希斯克利夫最后一次看望凯瑟琳(1)

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  • Chapter10 Heathcliff visits Catherine for the last time
  • 第10章 希斯克利夫最后一次看望凯瑟琳
  • 1784 Heathcliff had given me a letter for Catherine, but I decided not to show it to her until Mr. Edgar was out of the house.
  • 1784年。希斯克利夫给了我一封致凯瑟琳的信,但我决定在艾加先生不在家时再给她看。
  • My chance came four days after my visit to Wuthering Heights.
  • 我从呼啸山庄回来后过了四天时找到了一个机会。
  • As it was a Sunday, Mr. Edgar and all the servants went to church, leaving me alone to look after Catherine.
  • 那是个礼拜天,艾加先生和所有家仆都到教堂去了,留我一个人照看凯瑟琳。
  • She was sitting downstairs, by an open window, enjoying the spring sunshine.
  • 她在楼下一个开着的窗户旁坐着,享受着春天的阳光。
  • Her appearance had changed since her illness, but there was a strange beauty in her pale face.
  • 她得病之后容貌变了,但她惨白的面庞有一种莫名的美。
  • She did not read or sew any more, but used to sit there silently, staring into the distance.
  • 她不再读书,也不再做针线活儿,但常静静地坐在那儿,呆呆地望着远方。
  • Her eyes seemed fixed on something far away, something beyond normal sight.
  • 她的目光好像盯着远处的什么东西,正常视线以外的东西。
  • I showed her the letter, but she looked confused and could not seem to understand it, so I had to explain "It's from Mr. Heathcliff," I said gently.
  • 我把信给她看,可她显得有些茫然,似乎无法理解,所以我不得不解释一下。“是希斯克利夫来的,”我轻声说。
  • "He's in the garden, and wants to see you. What shall I tell him?"
  • “他在花园里,想见你。我该怎么跟他说?”
  • She said nothing, but bent forward in her chair to listen.
  • 她什么也没说,但从椅子里欠起身在听着。
  • We both heard someone coming through the hall.
  • 我们俩都听到有人从厅里走过来。
  • Heathcliff had realized the house was almost empty, and had found an open door Catherine looked eagerly towards the entrance to the room.
  • 希斯克利夫意识到房子里没有什么人了,就找了扇敞开的门。凯瑟琳急切地望着房门。
  • He appeared, and in two steps was by her side.
  • 他出现了,两步就走到她的身边。
  • For five whole minutes he held her in his arms and kissed her again and again it gave him great pain to look at her face.
  • 他把她抱在怀里,一遍遍地吻她,足足有五分钟。他看着她的脸,十分痛苦。
  • He could see, as I could, that she would never recover, that she was certain to die.
  • 他和我都能看出来,凯瑟琳永远不会复原了,她肯定是要死了。


Chapter10 Heathcliff visits Catherine for the last time

第10章 希斯克利夫最后一次看望凯瑟琳
1784 Heathcliff had given me a letter for Catherine, but I decided not to show it to her until Mr. Edgar was out of the house. My chance came four days after my visit to Wuthering Heights. As it was a Sunday, Mr. Edgar and all the servants went to church, leaving me alone to look after Catherine.
She was sitting downstairs, by an open window, enjoying the spring sunshine. Her appearance had changed since her illness, but there was a strange beauty in her pale face. She did not read or sew any more, but used to sit there silently, staring into the distance. Her eyes seemed fixed on something far away, something beyond normal sight.
I showed her the letter, but she looked confused and could not seem to understand it, so I had to explain "It's from Mr. Heathcliff," I said gently. "He's in the garden, and wants to see you. What shall I tell him?"
She said nothing, but bent forward in her chair to listen. We both heard someone coming through the hall. Heathcliff had realized the house was almost empty, and had found an open door Catherine looked eagerly towards the entrance to the room. He appeared, and in two steps was by her side. For five whole minutes he held her in his arms and kissed her again and again it gave him great pain to look at her face. He could see, as I could, that she would never recover, that she was certain to die.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu





