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呼啸山庄(MP3+中英字幕) 第45期:伊莎贝拉的故事(5)

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  • Catherine and Edgar are very fond of each other! said Isabella suddenly. Don't speak of my brother like that!
  • 凯瑟琳和艾加彼此非常相亲相爱!"伊莎贝拉突然说道。别那样说我哥哥!
  • Your dear brother doesn't care enough abut you to write to you, replied Heathcliff, smiling sourly.
  • 你那亲爱的哥哥对你的关心还不足以让他给你写信,"希斯克利夫回道,悻悻地一笑。
  • That's because be doesn't know how much I've suffered,she answered quietly, turning away to hide the tears on her face.
  • 那是因为他不知道我有多苦,"她静静地回答道,她转过身去不让人看见她脸上的泪水。
  • Sir,I said, it seems to me that Miss Isabella, Mrs. Heathcliff, I should say, is unhappy.
  • 先生,"我说,伊莎贝拉小姐,我应该说是希斯克利夫夫人,好像不高兴。
  • You must treat her kindly. Try to look after her. Let her have a maid, for example.
  • 你得对她好点。尽量照顾她。比如说,给她找个女仆。"
  • I'm not going to be soft with her,he replied with a laugh. She was stupid enough to run away with me.
  • 我不会对她来软的,"他笑着答道。她太傻了,跟我私奔。
  • I never pretended to love her. Now I think she's beginning to realize that I scorn her.
  • 我从没假装爱她。此刻我想她开始明白我看不起她。
  • She's an even weaker fool than her brother, but she's going to be useful to me. That's why I'm keeping her with me."
  • 她甚至比他哥哥还软弱愚蠢,但她对我会有用。所以我才留她在我这儿。"
  • Ellen, he says he married me to have his revenge on Edgar!
  • 艾伦,他说他娶我是为了报复艾加!
  • But I won't let him carry out his plan, whatever it is. I'll die, or I'll see him dead first!
  • 不管他打什么鬼主意,我不会让他得逞的。要么我死,要么我要看着他先死!
  • You're getting violent, Isabella! said Heathcliff.
  • 你开始过激了,伊莎贝拉!"希斯克利夫说道。
  • Go upstairs now. I want to speak to Ellen Dean in private. Go on! And he pushed her roughly out of the door.
  • 现在上楼去。我想同艾伦·迪恩单独谈谈。快去!他粗野地把她推出门外。
  • Don't you feel pity for her? I asked, when we were alone. Have you ever felt pity for anybody in your life?
  • 难道你不怜悯她吗?"只剩我们两个时我问。你这一生可曾怜悯过什么人吗?"
  • Why should I? She's just like an insect under my foot. The more she cries, the more I enjoy hurting her.
  • 我为什么要怜悯?她就像我脚下的一只虫子。她越叫唤,我就越喜欢折磨她。
  • Now, Ellen, listen. I'll wait every day and every evening in the Grange garden, until I find a chance to see Catherine.
  • 好了,艾伦,听着。我每天从早到晚都会在画眉山庄的花园里等着,直到我有机会看到凯瑟琳为止。
  • If I meet Edgar Linton or his servants, I'll shoot them. But don't you think it'd be better to avoid a fight?
  • 要是让我遇上艾加·林顿或他的家仆,我就开枪打死他们。可你不觉得最好能避免一场争斗吗?
  • You could tell me when she'll be alone. Then there'll be no violence.
  • 你可以告诉我什么时候她单独在。这样就不会有伤害了。"
  • I argued and complained, and refused fifty times, but in the end he forced me to agree.
  • 尽管我同他争执、抱怨,无数次地拒绝,但最终他还是强迫我答应下来。
  • I promised to let him know when Edgar Linton was away from home.
  • 我应允艾加·林顿出门的时候通知他。
  • I suppose it was wrong of me, but I hoped it would be Heathcliff's last meeting with Catherine.
  • 我觉得我做得不对,但我希望着这是希斯克利夫最后一次见凯瑟琳。


Catherine and Edgar are very fond of each other!' said Isabella suddenly. “Don't speak of my brother like that!’

Your dear brother doesn't care enough abut you to write to you, 'replied Heathcliff, smiling sourly.
That's because be doesn't know how much I've suffered, 'she answered quietly, turning away to hide the tears on her face.
Sir,” I said, “it seems to me that Miss Isabella, Mrs. Heathcliff, I should say, is unhappy. You must treat her kindly. Try to look after her. Let her have a maid, for example.”
I'm not going to be soft with her,” he replied with a laugh. “She was stupid enough to run away with me. I never pretended to love her. Now I think she's beginning to realize that I scorn her. She's an even weaker fool than her brother, but she's going to be useful to me. That's why I'm keeping her with me.””Ellen, he says he married me to have his revenge on Edgar! But I won't let him carry out his plan, whatever it is. I'll die, or I'll see him dead first!’
You're getting violent, Isabella!' said Heathcliff. “Go upstairs now. I want to speak to Ellen Dean in private. Go on!’ And he pushed her roughly out of the door. “Don't you feel pity for her?’I asked, when we were alone. “Have you ever felt pity for anybody in your life?’ “Why should I? She's just like an insect under my foot. The more she cries, the more I enjoy hurting her. Now, Ellen, listen. I'll wait every day and every evening in the Grange garden, until I find a chance to see Catherine. If I meet Edgar Linton or his servants, I'll shoot them. But don't you think itd be better to avoid a fight? You could tell me when she'll be alone. Then there'll be no violence.”
I argued and complained, and refused fifty times, but in the end he forced me to agree. I promised to let him know when Edgar Linton was away from home. I suppose it was wrong of me, but I hoped it would be Heathcliff's last meeting with Catherine.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

scorn [skɔ:n]


n. 轻蔑,奚落,笑柄
v. 轻蔑,鄙视,嘲弄

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

abut [ə'bʌt]


v. 邻接,毗连

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

revenge [ri'vendʒ]


n. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会





