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  • Or if you could manage, without seeming to do it, to.
  • 如果你不想这样 除非你能
  • The peace delegation might encounter delays as they travel up the James River.
  • 和谈代表团可能会 在詹姆斯河附近耽搁一阵子
  • Particularly with the fighting around Wilmington.
  • 尤其是威尔明顿还在交战
  • Within ten days time,we might pass the Thirteenth Amendment.
  • 10天时间之内 我们或许可以让第13修正案通过
  • Here's a sixteen year old boy.They're gonna hang him.
  • 一名16岁的男孩 他将要被吊死
  • He was with the 15th Indiana Calvary near Beaufort,seems he lamed his horse to avoid battle.
  • 他和第15 印第安纳骑兵队一起在伯弗附近 他似乎打断了马腿想当逃兵
  • I don't think even Stanton would complain if I pardoned him,You think Stanton would complain?
  • 如果我赦免他 我想连斯坦顿都不会抱怨的 你觉得斯坦顿会说什么吗
  • I don't know, sir, I don't know who you're, uh What time is it?It's three forty in the morning.
  • 我不知道 先生 我不知道您是谁 现在几点了 早上3点40分
  • Don't let him pardon any more deserters Aah, Mr. Stanton thinks you pardon too many.
  • 别让他再赦免逃兵了 斯坦顿先生认为您赦免了太多了
  • He's generally apoplectic on the subject.He oughtn't to have done that,crippled his horse, that was cruel,
  • 他对这一点很恼火 他不应该那样做 把马弄残废 太残忍了
  • but you don't just hang a sixteen year old boy for that.
  • 但也不能就这么吊死一个16岁的男孩吧
  • Ask the horse what he thinks.For cruelty. There'd be no sixteen year old boys left.
  • 问问那匹马怎么想 没有几个16岁的男孩能活下来 因为残忍
  • Grant wants me to bring the secesh delegates to Washington.
  • 格兰特想要我 让南方叛党的代表团来华盛顿
  • So there are secesh delegates?He was afraid, that's all it was.
  • 真有南方人的代表吗 他只是害怕了而已
  • I don't care to hang a boy for being frightened, either.What good would it do him?
  • 我也不在乎绞死一个怯战的男孩 但这么做有什么好处呢


Or if you could manage, without seeming to do it, to.

如果你不想这样 除非你能

The peace delegation might encounter delays as they travel up the James River.

和谈代表团可能会 在詹姆斯河附近耽搁一阵子

Particularly with the fighting around Wilmington.


Within ten days time,we might pass the Thirteenth Amendment.

10天时间之内 我们或许可以让第13修正案通过

Here's a sixteen year old boy.They're gonna hang him.

一名16岁的男孩 他将要被吊死

He was with the 15th Indiana Calvary near Beaufort,seems he lamed his horse to avoid battle.

他和第15 印第安纳骑兵队一起在伯弗附近 他似乎打断了马腿想当逃兵

I don't think even Stanton would complain if I pardoned him,You think Stanton would complain?

如果我赦免他 我想连斯坦顿都不会抱怨的 你觉得斯坦顿会说什么吗

I don't know, sir, I don't know who you're, uh What time is it?It's three forty in the morning.

我不知道 先生 我不知道您是谁 现在几点了 早上3点40分

Don't let him pardon any more deserters Aah, Mr. Stanton thinks you pardon too many.

别让他再赦免逃兵了 斯坦顿先生认为您赦免了太多了

He's generally apoplectic on the subject.He oughtn't to have done that,crippled his horse, that was cruel,

他对这一点很恼火 他不应该那样做 把马弄残废 太残忍了

but you don't just hang a sixteen year old boy for that.


Ask the horse what he thinks.For cruelty. There'd be no sixteen year old boys left.

问问那匹马怎么想 没有几个16岁的男孩能活下来 因为残忍

Grant wants me to bring the secesh delegates to Washington.

格兰特想要我 让南方叛党的代表团来华盛顿

So there are secesh delegates?He was afraid, that's all it was.

真有南方人的代表吗 他只是害怕了而已

I don't care to hang a boy for being frightened, either.What good would it do him?

我也不在乎绞死一个怯战的男孩 但这么做有什么好处呢

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cruelty ['kru:əlti]


n. 残酷,残忍,残酷的行为,虐待

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

enterprise ['entəpraiz]


n. 企业,事业,谋划,进取心

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

amendment [ə'mendmənt]


n. 改善(正), 修正案,某物质能改善土壤有助生长

inquiry [in'kwaiəri]


n. 打听,询问,调查,查问

astronomy [əst'rɔnəmi]


n. 天文学

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

grant [grɑ:nt]


n. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予
n. 财产


关键字: 名人 林肯 传记




