If you want to discuss peace with President Lincoln,consider revisions.
如果想要和林肯总统和谈 就得修改它
If we're not to discuss a truce between warring nations,
what in heaven's name can we discuss?Terms of surrender.
那么我们到底在讨论什么 投降的条件
Office United States Military Telegraph War Dept.For Abraham Lincoln,
美国军事办公室电报处 致亚伯拉罕·林肯
President of the United States, January 20, 1865.
美国总统 1865年1月20日
I will state confidentially that I am convinced,upon conversation with these Commissioners,
我将此消息秘密送出 在和对方代表谈判后
that their intentions are good and their desire sincere to restore peace and union.
我认为他们的目的友好 意图诚挚 旨在恢复和平与联合
I fear now their going back,to restore peace and union.from anyone in authority,Mr. Lincoln will have a bad influence.
我恐怕他们现在 若不带回我方高层 意图再次和谈的兴趣 会对林肯先生影响很不好
I will be sorry should it prove impossible for you to have an interview with them.
很抱歉我没能为您 安排与他们会面
I am awaiting your instructions.
U.S. Grant, Lieutenant General Commanding Armies United States.
尤利西斯·格兰特 美军中将
After four years of war and near 600,000 lives lost,he believes we can end this war now.
四年的战争 近60万人丧生 他相信我们现在就能停战
My trust in him is marrow deep.
You could bring the delegates to Washington.
In exchange for the South's immediate surrender,we could promise them the amendment's defeat.
作为交换让南方立刻投降 我们向他们保证修正案不会通过
They'd agree, don't you think?We'd end the war. This week.
他们会同意 你觉得呢 那么我们在这周就能停止战争