Euclid's first common notion is this:
Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
That's a rule of mathematical reasoning.It's true because it works.
这是数理的规则 它是对的 因为适用
Has done and always will do.
In his book, hmm Euclid says this is self-evident.
在书里 欧几里得称此为自证
D'you see, there it is, even in that two thousand year old book of mechanical law:
看到吗 就算是两千年前的数理定律
it is a self evident truth that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
也认为 等于同量的量彼此相等这个道理 是不证自明的
We begin with equality.That's the origin, isn't it?
我们生而平等 这才是世界的起源 不是吗
That balance, that's that's fairness.That's justice.
这种平等 我们称之为 公平 称之为正义
Just read me back the last sentence of that telegram, please.
Have Captain Saunders convey the commissioners to me here in Washington.
A slight emendation if you would, Sam.
做点小改动吧 山姆
Have Captain Saunders convey the gentlemen aboard the River Queen
请桑德斯上尉带领该特使团 到达弗吉尼亚州的汉普顿港群
as far as Hampton Roads, Virginia,and there wait until further advice from me.
登上河流女王号 之后 原地等待 我的后续指令
Do not proceed to Washington.