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呼啸山庄(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:凯瑟琳病了(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 'You forget, Mrs Linton, that you've eaten tonight. I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow morning. '
  • “您忘了,林顿夫人,您今晚吃了东西。我肯定您明天早上会感觉好些的。”
  • I still wanted to make her realize how selfish she was being, although I was a little worried by her pale, almost ghostly face.
  • 我还是希望能使她认识到她有多自私,尽管她苍白、如幽灵般的脸色令我有点儿担心。
  • 'I begin to see that you don't like me, Ellen. How strange!
  • “我开始觉察到你不喜欢我了,艾伦。真想不到!
  • I always thought everybody loved me! Now they are all my enemies—Isabella and Edgar and you!
  • 我总以为人人都喜欢我!而如今他们都成了我的对头——伊莎贝拉和艾加,还有你!
  • I'll die with cold faces around me! I've had terrible dreams these past few nights, you know.
  • 周围都是冷冰冰的面孔,我要死了!前几个晚上我一直在做恶梦,你清楚。
  • Open the window, Ellen! I'm so hot! '
  • 打开窗户,艾伦!我太热啦!”
  • I refused, as it was the middle of winter. She was feverish.
  • 因为正值隆冬,我不肯。她有点发烧。
  • 'Who is that over there? 'she asked, staring at her own face in a mirror opposite her bed.
  • “那是谁?”她盯着床对面镜子中她自己的脸问道。
  • I could not make her under stand it was herself, and I began to be afraid that her illness was real.
  • 我无法使她明白那就是她自己,所以我开始担心她是真病了。
  • 'Stay with me, Ellen, 'she cried, holding my hand.
  • “陪着我,艾伦,”她抓着我的手叫道。
  • 'I'm frightened of that face! I'm frightened of being alone! I wish I were in my bed at Wuthering Heights, with the wind howling through the trees.
  • “那张脸让我害怕!我害怕一个人呆着!我希望我是躺在呼啸山庄我的床上,风在树林间呼啸。
  • Do let me feel a breath of air from the moors, just one breath! '
  • 就让我感受一下荒原上吹来的空气吧,就一下!”
  • I opened the window for a moment, then closed it. The cold air seemed to calm her.
  • 我把窗打开了一会儿,接着又关上。冰冷的空气似乎使她安静了些。
  • 'I wish I were a young girl again, wild and free, out on the moors with Heathcliff!
  • “我希望我又成了小姑娘,疯疯癫癫、自由自在,同希斯克利夫一起到荒原去!
  • Open the window again, wider this time! Why won't you? '
  • 再把窗子打开,这次开大点!你为什么不肯?”
  • 'Because I don't want you to die of cold, 'I replied.
  • “因为我不想你冻死,”我回答。
  • 'But it's my only chance of life! 'she cried, jumping out of bed and going to the window.
  • “可只有这样我才有活下去的可能!”她叫着,从床上跳下来奔窗户而去。
  • I tried to force her back to bed, but her fever made her surprisingly strong.
  • 我试图拉她回床上去,可她高度兴奋,力气大得出奇。
  • We looked out together into the icy darkness. There was no moon, and no lights were visible anywhere.
  • 我们一起望着外面旱冰般的黑暗。没有月亮,也看不见灯光。
  • But Catherine was sure she could see Wuthering Heights.
  • 但凯瑟琳一口咬定她能看到呼啸山庄。
  • 'Look! 'she said. 'There's my old home, and the church yard near it.
  • “看!”她说。“那是我原来的家,还有附近的教堂墓地。
  • I won't lie there alone, Heathcilff! I won't rest until you're in the grave with me! '
  • 我不要独眠在那儿,希斯克利夫!除非你和我同穴而葬,否则我不会安息的!”


You forget, Mrs Linton, that you've eaten tonight. I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow morning. ’I still wanted to make her realize how selfish she was being, although I was a little worried by her pale, almost ghostly face.

I begin to see that you don't like me, Ellen. How strange! I always thought everybody loved me! Now they are all my enemiesIsabella and Edgar and you! I'll die with cold faces around me! I've had terrible dreams these past few nights, you know. Open the window, Ellen! I'm so hot! ’
I refused, as it was the middle of winter. She was feverish.
Who is that over there? 'she asked, staring at her own face in a mirror opposite her bed. I could not make her under stand it was herself, and I began to be afraid that her illness was real.
Stay with me, Ellen, 'she cried, holding my hand. ‘I'm frightened of that face! I'm frightened of being alone! I wish I were in my bed at Wuthering Heights, with the wind howling through the trees. Do let me feel a breath of air from the moors, just one breath! ’
I opened the window for a moment, then closed it. The cold air seemed to calm her. ‘I wish I were a young girl again, wild and free, out on the moors with Heathcliff! Open the window again, wider this time! Why won't you? ’
Because I don't want you to die of cold, ’I replied.
But it's my only chance of life! 'she cried, jumping out of bed and going to the window. I tried to force her back to bed, but her fever made her surprisingly strong. We looked out together into the icy darkness. There was no moon, and no lights were visible anywhere. But Catherine was sure she could see Wuthering Heights.
Look! 'she said. ‘There's my old home, and the church yard near it. I won't lie there alone, Heathcilff! I won't rest until you're in the grave with me! ’

重点单词   查看全部解释    
visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的





