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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • He is young. That will work in his favor.
  • 他还年轻 这该是件好事
  • Frank?Remember when he was about 8 years old,
  • 弗兰克 还记得他八岁的时候
  • and we were in the garden with telescope.
  • 我们在花园里 用望远镜观星
  • And Stephen said to me:"Where do stars come from?"
  • 史蒂芬问我 "星星是哪来的"
  • I didn't know the answer.And you called him into bed and
  • 这我也不知道 你喊他上床睡觉
  • he wanted to know the answer to his question very badly.
  • 但他很想知道他问题的答案
  • And I said: "Not to worry, I'll find out for you.
  • "我就说"别担心 我会替你搞明白"
  • I never did.You've never been a sentimental man, Frank.
  • 但我没有 你一直都不是一个善感的男人
  • No.I don't think we can afford for you to start now.
  • 的确 你现在要是变得善感我们怕是消受不起
  • I looked it up.The younger while you get motor neurone disease,the quicker, the deterioration.
  • 我去查过了 运动神经元病患者越是年轻 恶化的速度越快
  • Being young, is a bad thing, Isobel.
  • 他年轻 这是件坏事 伊泽贝尔
  • Two years, probably no more.Then we must support him.
  • 大概就能活两年了 那我们一定要支撑着他
  • Yes.You do it, by carrying on.
  • 没错 你要帮他 坚持下去
  • You do it, by living and carrying on.
  • 你要帮他活下去 坚持下去
  • He's going back to Cambridge, to his life.
  • 他要回剑桥去 回到他的生活中去


He is young. That will work in his favor.

他还年轻 这该是件好事
Frank?Remember when he was about 8 years old,
弗兰克 还记得他八岁的时候
and we were in the garden with telescope.
我们在花园里 用望远镜观星

And Stephen said to me:"Where do stars come from?"

史蒂芬问我 "星星是哪来的"
I didn't know the answer.And you called him into bed and
这我也不知道 你喊他上床睡觉
he wanted to know the answer to his question very badly.
And I said: "Not to worry, I'll find out for you.
"我就说"别担心 我会替你搞明白"
I never did.You've never been a sentimental man, Frank.
但我没有 你一直都不是一个善感的男人
No.I don't think we can afford for you to start now.
的确 你现在要是变得善感我们怕是消受不起
I looked it up.The younger while you get motor neurone disease,the quicker, the deterioration.
我去查过了 运动神经元病患者越是年轻 恶化的速度越快
Being young, is a bad thing, Isobel.
他年轻 这是件坏事 伊泽贝尔
Two years, probably no more.Then we must support him.
大概就能活两年了 那我们一定要支撑着他
Yes.You do it, by carrying on.
没错 你要帮他 坚持下去
You do it, by living and carrying on.
你要帮他活下去 坚持下去
He's going back to Cambridge, to his life.
他要回剑桥去 回到他的生活中去
重点单词   查看全部解释    
deterioration [di.tiriə'reiʃən]


n. 恶化,降低,退化

sentimental [.senti'mentl]


adj. 感伤性的,感情脆弱的

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

bygone ['bai.gɔ:n]


adj. 过去的,过时的 n. 过去的事

personnel [.pə:sə'nel]


n. 职员,人事部门


关键字: 名人 霍金 传记




