Bob made a great switch.
Two connected receiver alternatively to the antenna and cold load reference.
两个相连的接收器 一个连天线 一个连冷态荷载参照物
你是在德国出生的吗 哪年生的 二十世纪40年代吗 不 是30年代
Noise is heat. The higher the heat, the more intense the noise.
噪音就是热量 热量越大 噪音越强
You may want to ask that we get noise.
We got a lot noise, which means a lot of heat.
我们接收到很多噪音 也就是有很多热量
Far more than the Milky Way should have given us.
That was our work, from then on in.
那之后 这就成了我们的工作
Day after day. What's all this heat,what the hell is this hiss.
日复一日地琢磨热量的来源 噪声到底是什么
Died in the night, poor lad.What's happened to me?
昨晚死了 可怜的小家伙 我到底得了什么病
Usually I would sit down with the patient and his family.Please!
一般我会跟病人及其家属一起谈 求你