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听经典欧美电影学英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第50期:迷魂记

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Vertigo is a 1958 psychological thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock
  • 迷魂记是一部上映于1958年的心理悬疑电影,导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克,
  • and starring James Stewart, Kim Novak, and Barbara Bel Geddes.
  • 主演詹姆斯·斯图尔特,巴巴拉·贝尔·戈迪斯。
  • The screenplay was written by Alec Coppel and Samuel A. Taylor, based on the 1954 novel "D'entre les morts".
  • 剧本是由阿里斯·科佩尔和塞米尔·泰勒创作完成,影片是根据1954年的小说‘D'entre les morts’改编而成。
  • It is the story of a retired police detective suffering from acrophobia
  • 影片讲述的是关于一名因恐高症而辞职警探的故事,
  • who is hired as a private investigator to follow the wife of an acquaintance to uncover the mystery of her peculiar behaviour.
  • 之后他受雇成为了一名私家侦探,他的一位友人让他来调查她的妻子,解释其妻子的离奇行为。
  • It is often cited as a classic Hitchcock film and one of the defining works of his career.
  • 人们把这部影片看作是希区柯克的经典之作,也是他生涯中最经典的作品之一,
  • In 2012, It was voted as the best movie ever by the British Film Institute,
  • 2012年,英国电影协会的投票使这部影片成为了史上最伟大的电影作品,
  • which said the movie was great, even though It didn't use cinema entire effetcs to make a grand statement.
  • 协会认为这是一部伟大的作品,尽管它没有电影的宏大场面。
  • Vertigo premiered in San Francisco in May 1958 at the Stage Door Theater.
  • 1958年5月,迷魂记在旧金山的舞台们电影院首映。
  • Its performance at the box office was average and reviews were mixed.
  • 票房成绩平平,褒贬不一。
  • Variety said the film showed Hitchcock's "mastery",
  • 综艺杂志认为“这部影片展现了希区柯克的大师级水平,
  • but was too long and slow for "what is basically only a psychological murder mystery".
  • 但是仅仅对于心理谋杀悬疑来说,这部电影过长,情节过慢”。
  • Similarly, the Los Angeles Times admired the scenery,
  • 同样地,洛杉矶时报喜欢电影的场景,
  • but found the plot "too long" and felt it "bogs down" in "a maze of detail".
  • 但是,情节过于冗长,情节过慢,呆板。
  • However, the Los Angeles Examiner loved it,
  • 但是,洛杉矶考察报却认为这部影片非常好,
  • admiring the "excitement, action, romance, glamor and [the] crazy, off-beat love story".
  • 他们欣赏这部影片那种波荡起伏、浪漫、奇幻的爱情故事。
  • New York Times film critic Bosley Crowther also gave Vertigo a positive review by explaining that
  • 纽约时报的批判家鲍世利·克罗佘也给予了这部影片肯定的评价,
  • is so clever, even though it is devilishly far-fetched."
  • “他认为尽管电影的情节有些牵强,但是这部影片的神秘感表达的惟妙惟肖。”


Vertigo is a 1958 psychological thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart, Ki Novak, and Barbara Bel Geddes. The screenplay was written by Alec Coppel and Samuel A. Taylor, based on the 1954 novel "D'entre les morts". It is the story of a retired police detective suffering from acrophobiawho is hired as a private investigator to follow the wife of an acquaintance to uncover the mystery of her peculiar behaviour. It is often cited as a classic Hitchcock film and one of the defining works of his career.In 2012, It was voted as the best movie ever by the British Film Institute,which said the movie was great, even though It didn't use cinema entire effetcs to make a grand statement.

迷魂记是一部上映于1958年的心理悬疑电影,导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克,主演詹姆斯·斯图尔特,巴巴拉·贝尔·戈迪斯。剧本是由阿里斯·科佩尔和塞米尔·泰勒创作完成,影片是根据1954年的小说‘D'entre les morts’改编而成。影片讲述的是关于一名因恐高症而辞职警探的故事,之后他受雇成为了一名私家侦探,他的一位友人让他来调查她的妻子,解释其妻子的离奇行为。人们把这部影片看作是希区柯克的经典之作,也是他生涯中最经典的作品之一,2012年,英国电影协会的投票使这部影片成为了史上最伟大的电影作品,协会认为这是一部伟大的作品,尽管它没有电影的宏大场面。


Vertigo premiered in San Francisco in May 1958 at the Stage Door Theater. Its performance at the box office was average and reviews were mixed. Variety said the film showed Hitchcock's "mastery", but was too longand slow for "what is basically only a psychological murder mystery". Similarly, the Los Angeles Times admired the scenery, but found the plot "too long" and felt it "bogs down" in "a maze of detail". However, the Los Angeles Examiner loved it, admiring the "excitement, action, romance, glamor and [the] crazy, off-beat love story". New York Times film critic Bosley Crowther also gave Vertigo a positive review by explaining that "[the] secret [of the film] is so clever, even though it is devilishly far-fetched."



重点单词   查看全部解释    
admiring [əd'maiəriŋ]


adj. 赞赏的,羡慕的

detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

justification [.dʒʌstifi'keiʃən]


n. 辩护,证明正当,释罪
[计算机] 对齐

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]


n. 熟人,相识,了解

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

critic ['kritik]


n. 批评家,评论家

skeptic ['skeptik]


n. 怀疑者,怀疑论者,无神论者

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

vertigo ['və:tigəu]


n. 眩晕





