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- The Usual Suspects is a 1995 American neo-noir film written by Christopher McQuarrie and directed by Bryan Singer.
- 非常嫌疑犯是一部上映于1995年的美国新黑色电影,编剧克里斯托夫·迈考利,导演布莱恩·辛格。
- It stars Gabriel Byrne and Kevin Spacey.
- 主演凯文·史派西,加布里埃尔·伯恩。
- The film follows the interrogation of Roger "Verbal" Kint, a small-time con man
- 主要围绕外号“Verbal”的骗子罗杰·金特接受警方讯问展开,
- who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Port of Los Angeles.
- 停靠在洛杉矶港上的船只着火,他是船上大屠杀中两名仅有的幸存者中的一名。
- He tells an interrogator a complicated story about events that led him and four other criminals to the boat,
- 他向询问者讲述了关于他和四名罪犯登船的复杂事件,
- and of a mysterious mob boss known as Keyser S??ze who commissioned their work.
- 还有一名神秘的主谋,名叫凯撒·索泽,他向他们传达命令。
- Using flashbacks and narration, Kint's story becomes increasingly complex.
- 插叙和旁白的使用使得金特的故事变得更加复杂。
- The film began as a title taken from a column in Spy magazine called "The Usual Suspects."
- 这部电影的标题是来自‘间谍杂志’的专栏“非常嫌疑犯”。
- The Usual Suspects was well received by most critics,
- 这部电影获得了许多影评人的好评,
- and it has an 89% rating at the Rotten Tomatoes.com movie review site.
- 在烂番茄影评网站上,它获得了89%的好评。
- The movie was harshly criticised by some.
- 但这部影片也同样得到了许多人的批评。
- Critic Roger Ebert gave the film one and a half stars out of four, considering it confusing and uninteresting.
- 影评人罗杰·艾尔伯特给了这部影片1.5颗星,总共4颗星,他认为这部影片使人迷惑,并对它不感兴趣。
- He also included it in his "most hated films" list.
- 他还把它列入到了最讨厌的电影列表当中。
- Hal Hinson of the Washington Post wrote, "Ultimately, The Usual Suspects may be too clever for its own good.
- 华盛顿邮报的哈尔·辛森写道:“非常嫌疑犯
- The twist at the end is a corker, but crucial questions remain unanswered."
- 结尾让人大吃一惊,这非常好,但是最主要的问题没有交代清楚。”
- Britain's The Independent also praised the film's ending: "The film's coup de grace is as elegant as it is unexpected.
- 英国的独立报对电影的结尾进行了高度的赞扬:“电影的结尾让人意想不到。
- The whole movie plays back in your mind in perfect clarity."
- 整部电影可以清晰地在脑中回想。“
The Usual Suspects is a 1995 American neo-noir film written by Christopher McQuarrie and directed by BryanSinger. It stars Gabriel Byrne and Kevin Spacey. The film follows the interrogation of Roger "Verbal" Kint,a small-time con man who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Portof Los Angeles. He tells an interrogator a complicated story about events that led him and four other criminals to the boat, and of a mysterious mob boss known as Keyser Söze who commissioned their work. Using flashbacks and narration, Kint's story becomes increasingly complex. The film began as a title taken from a column in Spy magazine called "The Usual Suspects."

The Usual Suspects was well received by most critics, and it has an 89% rating at the Rotten Tomatoes.com movie review site. The movie was harshly criticised by some. Critic Roger Ebert gave the film one and a half stars out of four, considering it confusing and uninteresting. He also included it in his "most hated films" list. Hal Hinson of the Washington Post wrote, "Ultimately, The Usual Suspects may be too clever forits own good. The twist at the end is a corker, but crucial questions remain unanswered." Britain's The Independent also praised the film's ending: "The film's coup de grace is as elegant as it is unexpected. Thewhole movie plays back in your mind in perfect clarity."
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201501/353440.shtml