n. 激情,酷爱
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[09:34.35]And publicity also plays a very important role in this .So ,in all for your quesion ,
[09:40.49]I believe as a university student , I don't know many things political .
[09:44.65]I don't know these government things, those official things, those actual statistics.
[09:50.71]But ,I believe I witness in these years China's development and I 'd like to tell you the judges, who are most of you foreigners and also people sitting down there,
[10:00.82]that China has developed and we are always waiting for you to see this development .Thank you very much.
[10:07.19]Judge:Thank you very much .Contestant fifteen ,I enjoyed your, umm,presentation on ,umm, considertations that you would have in selecting a job and particularly enjoyed the story about Bill Clinton's ,uh , remebering that he met,
[10:25.89]uh,John Kennedy ,and he said this is someone who I want to become like him.
[10:33.05]Have you met someone in your life,just as Bill Clinton met J.F.K.and said I want to be like that person.
[10:41.72]Who have you met in your life ,and you've said to yourself,I want to be like that person?And ,why ?
[10:49.90]Zheng Yin:Thank you very much ,Ma'am .And I need to go back into my memories to such ,search for such kind of person .
[10:57.37]And ,uh ,I believe I meet this guy ,but I didn't talk to him .
[11:02.18]That's the anchor of one of most famous programs on CNN,or Cable Network.
[11:09.15]Uh,his name is Larry King.We know that he is the guru of talk show .
[11:15.63]And I adored him when I first saw him.He was, he is a person with so much glamour.
[11:22.76]He talks funnily ,and he has such a fine sense of humor.And I,I assumed that I met him, OK?
[11:30.10]Although ,I didn't talk to him in person ,but I adored him and that is a person who had a big impact on me as to my own personal dream.
[11:40.08]And I will tell you that I'd like to be a guy like Larry King in the future,also to be an anchor of a talk show ,and also an Engish talk show , maybe still on CNN to tell the foreigners the development in our country,and to tell them the cultural ,
[11:55.18]and to tell them everything good in China.And I hope that if I can have a chance in the future ,I hope my program will be popular ,if not more popular as Larry King talk show .
[12:07.72]Thank you very much .
[12:08.92]Judge:Thank you.When you were talking about China's hosting the two-o-o eight,um,um,Olympic Games,you ,
[12:24.02]uh ,mentioned quite a few things.China has a dream and the various dreams that um,uh,China wanted to realize.
[12:32.98]And the third one is that China want ,wants to host the ,uh ,Olympic games.
[12:38.31]Now why is it so necessary? Why is it so important for China to host the Olympic games?
[12:45.31]Zheng Yin:Thank you very much for your question,Ma'am.I think the importance lies in publicity.
[12:51.40]We know that although Olympic games is,is a world wide event of sports and athleticism ,but it's also a chance for China to show itself.
[13:00.83]And every country in the world knows this very well.And so the ,the competition,the bidding competition is so heated.
[13:08.51]I think that's one of the most important reasons.And uh,I think it's very necessary for China to host an Olympic games.
[13:17.00]uh,I'm not sure whether China will host the 2008 or not ,but I hope China, and I also believe that China will host one in the near future,maybe in fifty years or so .
[13:28.18]And I think the Olmpic games will give the foreigners a chance to at least come into our country.
[13:34.50]We know that still not so many foreigners have come to China .It gives them a very good opportuity.
[13:40.30]And also a very good opportunity for the Chinese public to get to know more about Olympics and to promote the Olympic spirits of fair play ,or equality ,or democracy in China ,and will do good to the Chinese people and also to our courntry .
[13:58.35]Thank you very much.

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