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  • Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen:
  • 女士们,先生们,下午好:
  • Bidding for the Olympic is ,in a way ,an image-creating undertaking .The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unique image.
  • 申办奥运会在某种程度上是一个创造形象的重任.首先和最重要的事情就是让人们对这个城市一见钟情,用自己独特的形象吸引他们.
  • What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics?
  • 一旦北京成为二零零八年奥运会的主办国,她会为自己塑造一个什么样的形象呢?
  • It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games:New Beijing ,Great Olympics .
  • 众所周知,北京市政府已经为这届未来的运动会设立了主题.
  • For me ,the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors ,yellow and red.
  • 对我来说,二零零八年奥运会将会是一届伟大的绿色奥林匹克运动会,与之相交辉映更有另外两种特别的颜色:黄色和红色.
  • First ,yellow is a meaningful color.The yellow River is China's Mother River and the cradle of Chinese civilization .
  • 首先,黄色是一种意味深长的颜色,黄河是中国的母亲河,是中国文化的发源地.
  • We are of the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor.This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people.
  • 我们是黄种人,是炎黄子孙.这种颜色对中国人民来说有着特殊的根源和重要性.
  • Beijing is teh captial of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history.
  • 北京是新中国的首都,也是先前中国历史上九个王朝的建都之地.
  • So ,yellow naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games.
  • 所以,黄色自然会为二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会增添光彩.
  • Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.
  • 其次,二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会将是一次红色的盛会.
  • Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country.We adore red.
  • 红色是中国人民珍爱的另一种颜色.我们喜欢红色.
  • On big occasions,we like to decorate our homes in red.
  • 在一些大节日里,我们喜爱用红色来装饰我们的家.
  • It is the the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity .
  • 红色是双喜临门的颜色,象征着快乐的时刻,吉祥,热情和繁荣.
  • Red is one of the most suitable colors to descibe the futhre of Beijing .Beijing,together with the whole country,is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernizstion .Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red:the red torch ,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people .
  • 红色是一种用来描述未来北京的最适合的颜色之一.北京和祖国一起在四个现代化的进程中变得越来越繁荣富强.如果二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会在北京举行,那整个城市将会成为一个红色的海洋,红火炬,红旗,红花,还有亿万欢乐人民洋溢着红光的脸.
  • Above all ,the 2008 Olmpics will be a green Olympics.
  • 最重要的是,二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会将是一届绿色的运动会.
  • Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can't deny the fact the Beijing ,at the moment ,is not as green a city as what we like it to be.
  • 在塑造一个吸引人的形象的同时加入绿色的成分是十分必要的,因为我们不能否认北京目前并不是一个让我们满意的绿色城市的事实.
  • Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing.
  • 努力成为一个环境喜人的城市已经成为北京市民的中心任务.
  • Big efforts have been made in pollution control.replanting and beautification of the city.
  • 这个城市在污染控制,植树种花和美化方面都做了几番努力.
  • According to a project entitled The Green Olympic Action Plan , between 1998 and 2007 ,Beijing ,we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment.
  • 根据一个题为"绿色奥林匹克运动会行动计划"的方案,在一九九八和二零零七年之间,北京会在保存和保护环境方面投入一千亿元人民币.
  • Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road.
  • 沿着四环路将会种上一千二百五十万和一百万亩草.
  • By then ,the city's green area will make up 40% of its total.The city will also dredge its reservoirs and as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper.
  • 到那时候,这个城市的绿化面积将占面积的40%.这个城市还将建立给北京居民供水的水库,控制工业污染和把两百家目前在规划区域范围内的工厂搬走.
  • Certainly ,all of this is no easy task.But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these "green" goals.
  • 当然,这可不是一个简单的任务.但我坚信我们有信心实现这些绿色目标,
  • For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens .
  • 因为我们有具备环保意识的市民的全力支持和参与.
  • Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes.
  • 每个市民都热切关注市政府采取的每一个措施.
  • As the saying goes, "United ,we stand ,"and a green Beijing will be achieved.
  • 俗话说得好,"团结力量大",绿色的北京一定能实现.
  • When our aspiraton becomes a reality ,it will be a unique Olympics ."New Beijing ,Great Olympics"will be weaved of these three superb colors:yellow , red and green.
  • 当我们的期望变成现实,那将是一届独特的奥林匹克运动会."新北京,新奥运"将会由这三种华丽的颜色:黄色,红色和绿色编织而成.
  • Let us welcome it and look forward to it !Thank you !
  • 让我们期望和欢迎它的到来!谢谢!
  • Thank you contestant number twenty-four.Well let's find out which qualities you look for in boyfriend .
  • 谢谢二十四号参赛选手.让我们探讨你找男朋友所需要的品质.
  • Uh, well all the audiences laughed because I think ,this,this is a really unexpected question .
  • 所有的听众都笑了,因为我想这的确是一种意想不到的问题,
  • Not only to me and also to them .So ,uh ,well ,what qualities do I look for in a boyfriend.
  • 不仅对我也对他们来说.那么,我找男朋友需要他有什么样的品质?
  • I think different people may come up with different answers because we have got different outlook towards life and the world,and um ,according to some of my male friends they, ever complain to me that they were not so satisfied with their girlfriends.
  • 我认为不同的人会有不同的答案,因为每个人的生活观和世界观都不相同.据我的一些男性朋友向我抱怨,他们对自己的女朋友都不是那么满意.
  • I'm sorry to say so but according to them their girl friends were just ,just seem to overdemanding.
  • 我很抱歉这样说,但据他们所说,他们的女朋友都似乎要求太多.
  • Um ,because they were just trying to find someone who is able to cook delicious food, or who is , who can do all the housework,including washings and also cleaning of the house.
  • 因为她们企图要找一个会煮好菜,或者是一个能做所有家务活,包括洗衣服,搞卫生等等的人.
  • And also especially good when they can do massages to them because the girls might get tired after a whole days work.
  • 而且最好他们会为她们做一些按摩,因为干一天活下来,女孩子们会累.
  • Well I'm sorry to say , we I feel sorry to these girls um ,because to me I think they are just trying to find first a good cook ,then a good servant ,and third ,someone who is good at doing massaging.
  • 我很抱歉地说,我对这些女孩子感到遗憾,因为我认为她们要找的首先是一个好厨师,然后是一个好仆人,再就是一个擅长按摩的人.
  • Well this sounds really perfect but I have to say that I'm not this kind of girls.
  • 这听起来真的很完美,但我必须说我不是这种女孩子.
  • Uh, and what I look for ,and well actually I think this is a personal question but I do not really mind sharing my own requirements of boy friends together with you and what my requirements could be, mainly two things.
  • 我要找的是,实际上我认为这是一个私人的问题.但我不介意和大家一起分享我个人对男朋友的要求,我的要求主要有两个方面.
  • And first one that I hope my boyfriend could be well educated ,let's say smart.And second I hope that he can be my bosom friend..
  • 第一,我希望的男朋友受过良好的教育,就是说他是聪明人.第二,我希望他能成为我的知己朋友,
  • He can be my soulmate. I don't think I need to explain more about the first point because I think everyone trying to find someone who is smart ,who is well deucation ,because they can always bring passion to your life.
  • 他能成为我灵魂上的朋友.我认为我没有必要再去解释第一点,因为我想每个人都想找一个聪明的人,受过良好教育的人,这些人总会给你的生活带来激情.
  • They can always to come up with different ideas and can make you happy,and bring excitement to your life.
  • 他们总能找到不同的点子给你带来欢乐,给你的生活带来刺激.
  • And for me I'm just the same .And talking about the second point .I hope that I can find someone who can be also my soulmate.
  • 对我来说,我也会一样.谈及第二点,我希望我能找到一个可以成为灵魂上的伴侣的人.
  • That I hope that we two can understand each other.I think this is very important in the relationship of these two people .
  • 我希望我们俩能互相了解,我认为这一点两个人的关系上是非常重要的.
  • I mean that uh ,I have come across, not not my myself but my friends has come across this kind of situations.
  • 我的意思是,我碰到过,不,不是我而是我的朋友碰到这种情况,
  • That um, these two people they have got differents towards one issue and maybe one of them will say no I can 't ,I can't agree with you and I can't stay with you any let's break up .
  • 他们俩对某个问题的看法不同,可能其中一个说不,我不同意你的看法或我再也不能和你相处下去,我们分手吧.
  • And then they broke up .And I think why they did this is that they couldn't understand each other so well.
  • 然后他们就分手了.我想他们分手的原因是他们相互之间不是很了解.
  • And for me I just want to find someone who can understand me well and also I hope I can understand him well as well yes.
  • 我只想找一个很了解我的人,同时我希望自己对他也很了解.
  • So these are the two main points that I ,uh ,these are the two main requirements that I look for .Thank you .
  • 这就是我要说的两点,也是我要寻找男朋友的两个主要要求.谢谢.
  • Contestan number 24 thank you very much indeed for both you speeches.
  • 真的十分感谢二十四号选手的两个演讲.
  • I loved you image of three colors,uh for the Beijing Olympics and you ,you you explained to us very clearly that Beijing has areadly gained a great deal as a city merely from bidding ,because of all the changes that are taking place and the improvements.
  • 我喜欢你关于三种颜色的想象,关于北京奥林匹克运动会,你很清晰地向我们解释了北京作为一个城市在申奥方面获益匪浅,那是因为发生了很多变化和有了很多的改善.
  • And I just want you to imagine for a moment that you have been called in as an ,as an advisor to the city goverment .
  • 我想让你想象一下,如果你作为市政府的顾问召集而来,
  • And if you were asked by them for any further suggestions as to what else uh could be done to make it even better,I wonder what you would say?
  • 同时你被他们问到是否有其它的更好的建议去使北京变得更好.我想知道你会怎么说.
  • Uh,thank you for your question first.I think if I ,I can be an advisor for the government which is a great honor to me ,I , I hope that I will just emphasize mainly on the environment .
  • 首先谢谢你的问题.我认为如果我能够成为市政府的顾问,那将是我的一大荣幸.我希望我会把重点放在环境方面.
  • Uh, as I mentioned in my presentation that I do not think that Beijing is as green a city as what we like it to be , I mean that we are trying to build a green Beijing and um ,I, I think that uh, maybe maybe!
  • 正如我在演讲中提到的,我认为北京还不是我们想她成为的那样绿色城市,我的意思是我们正努力去建设一个绿色的北京,我想,可能
  • the things I want to do is very simple, I want more tress to be planted and also I want to see more green areas of the city and uh, these are the two things I mainly ask for .Thank you .
  • 我想做的事情很简单.我希望种植更多的树木,我还想看到这个城市有更多的绿化面积, 这就是我请求的两件事.谢谢!
  • Thank you very much.Thank you contestant number 24.Um,I'd like to focus back on your boyfriend.
  • 谢谢,谢谢二十四号参赛选手.我想把话题说回你的男朋友这一方面.
  • Ha ,ha and um I'm assuming that um you will eventually find um, um someone with those qualities and that you will um be very happy.
  • 哈,我想你最终能找到一个有那些条件的人,而且你会很幸福.
  • Um,my question has to do with when you decide to get married.Now that you're found the perfect boyfriend um ,what are some of the advantages that you see uh, with regard to waiting a little bit later?
  • 我的问题与你决定结婚有关.现在你已经找到了那位完美的男朋友,他要你再迟一点才结婚,你知道这样对你有什么好处吗?
  • Say around 30 or so uh, to get married.That's a fairly late age to marry someone.
  • 比方说30岁左右才结婚,对女人来说这个年龄才嫁人就相当迟了.
  • What would you see as advantages for you to wait?Females to wait?
  • 要你这样等,你会看到什么有利条件吗?要女人等?
  • Uh, okay,that's a very good question and also very unexpected .Um ,well as unexpected as the question I get um ,the advantages the female if they want ,if they have to wait um ,well actually I think that um, I think it ,It's a good thing.
  • 好的,这是个很好的问题,同样也很出人意料.我得到的这个问题真是意料之外,如果女人需要有利条件,如果她们必须要等,我想那是一件好事情.
  • I mean that for myself I do not really want to get married at the early age.
  • 我的意思是对我来说,我不想太早结婚.
  • I , I think that maybe I will get married at the age of 28 or 30um ,and also at the pressure of my parents I guess.
  • 我想我会在父母的压力下,在28岁或30岁左右结婚.
  • I think this is a good thing because I want to develop myself fully .
  • 我认为这是一件好事情是因为我需要发展我自己.
  • Um,after I graduated from the university I 'll be about 22, let's say and if I get married too early ,and I do not really have uh ,too much space,too much space for me to develop myself.
  • 我大学毕业后大概是22岁,假如我结婚太早,我就不可能拥有自己太多的空间,没有发展自我的空间.
  • I want to work several years and then I want to have some self achievements.
  • 我想先工作,取得一些成就.
  • I want to achieve in my ,in my uh in my job let's say.And I want to see those uh , those achievements so I think this is a good thing and I don't really mind waiting .Thank you .
  • 我想在自己的事业上有成就.我想看到我自己的那些成就.所以我想这是一件好事情,我也不是很在意等待.谢谢!
  • Thank you .Um ,you in four first presentation ,you said a lot about what the government ,the munici...the government has done ,uh,in order to prepare for the two-o-o eight Olympic games.
  • 谢谢.在你的第一个演讲中,你说了一大堆关于政府方面的东西,政府为准备二零零八年奥林匹克运动会已经做了的事情.
  • Uh, what can ordinary people, particulary college students do to prepare for the two-o-o eight games.
  • 那么,普通人,特别是大学生能够为申办二零零八年奥运会做些什么呢?
  • Uh, First ,thank you for your question .Actually ,I have been thinking about this for a long time .
  • 首先谢谢你的问题.实际上,这个问题我已经考虑了很长的一段时间,
  • What can I do as an individual to help bid for the Olympic games?Um ,I think first is that ,um ,uh, I think that by participating in this kind of speech competition ,it's a kind of help to bid for the 2008 Olympic games.
  • 我个人能为申奥做些什么?我想首先是,参加这届演讲比赛,那也是帮助申办二零零八年奥运会的一种方式.
  • And I just want to express my wish ,and um ,I hope ,I hope that we can successfully bid for the games,and this is one thing I can do for bidding for the games, and this is one thing I can do for bidding for the games.
  • 我只是想表达我个人的愿望,我希望我们能成功地申办二零零八年的奥运会,而演讲是我能为申奥所做的一件事情.
  • I want to do tell my ideas to the audience here and want to , I want myself be know .
  • 我想把我的想法告诉听众,
  • I, I mean that's my ideas to be know.And secondly ,yes this is something I actually did for bidding for the Olympic games is that I planted some trees.
  • 我的意思是我想让人们知道我的想法.其次,我为申奥做的实际事情是我种了几棵树.
  • Uh,well ,on the, on the tree planting day and my ,my family and I we went to the suburbs of Beijing and we planted serval trees there and I hope these young trees are still alive now .
  • 在植树节那天,我和我的家人到北京的郊区去,我们在那里种了一些树,我希望那些小树苗现在还活着.
  • Thank you .
  • лл.


Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen:

Bidding for the Olympic is ,in a way ,an image-creating undertaking .The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unique image.
What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics?
It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games:New Beijing ,Great Olympics .
For me ,the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors ,yellow and red.
First ,yellow is a meaningful color.The yellow River is China's Mother River and the cradle of Chinese civilization .
We are of the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor.This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people.
Beijing is teh captial of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history.
So ,yellow naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games.
Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.
Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country.We adore red.
On big occasions,we like to decorate our homes in red.
It is the the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity .
Red is one of the most suitable colors to descibe the futhre of Beijing .Beijing,together with the whole country,is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernizstion .Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red:the red torch ,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people .
Above all ,the 2008 Olmpics will be a green Olympics.
Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can't deny the fact the Beijing ,at the moment ,is not as green a city as what we like it to be.
Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing.
Big efforts have been made in pollution control.replanting and beautification of the city.
According to a project entitled The Green Olympic Action Plan , between 1998 and 2007 ,Beijing ,we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment.
Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road.
By then ,the city's green area will make up 40% of its total.The city will also dredge its reservoirs and as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper.
Certainly ,all of this is no easy task.But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these "green" goals.
For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens .
Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes.
As the saying goes, "United ,we stand ,"and a green Beijing will be achieved.
When our aspiraton becomes a reality ,it will be a unique Olympics ."New Beijing ,Great Olympics"will be weaved of these three superb colors:yellow , red and green.
Let us welcome it and look forward to it !Thank you !
Rick:Thank you contestant number twenty-four.Well let's find out which qualities you look for in boyfriend .
QiYue:Uh, well all the audiences laughed because I think ,this,this is a really unexpected question .
Not only to me and also to them .So ,uh ,well ,what qualities do I look for in a boyfriend.
I think different people may come up with different answers because we have got different outlook towards life and the world,and um ,according to some of my male friends they, ever complain to me that they were not so satisfied with their girlfriends.
I'm sorry to say so but according to them their girl friends were just ,just seem to overdemanding.
Um ,because they were just trying to find someone who is able to cook delicious food, or who is , who can do all the housework,including washings and also cleaning of the house.
And also especially good when they can do massages to them because the girls might get tired after a whole days work.
Well I'm sorry to say , we I feel sorry to these girls um ,because to me I think they are just trying to find first a good cook ,then a good servant ,and third ,someone who is good at doing massaging.
Well this sounds really perfect but I have to say that I'm not this kind of girls.
Uh, and what I look for ,and well actually I think this is a personal question but I do not really mind sharing my own requirements of boy friends together with you and what my requirements could be, mainly two things.
And first one that I hope my boyfriend could be well educated ,let's say smart.And second I hope that he can be my bosom friend..
He can be my soulmate. I don't think I need to explain more about the first point because I think everyone trying to find someone who is smart ,who is well deucation ,because they can always bring passion to your life.
They can always to come up with different ideas and can make you happy,and bring excitement to your life.
And for me I 'm just the same .And talking about the second point .I hope that I can find someone who can be also my soulmate.
That I hope that we two can understand each other.I think this is very important in the relationship of these two people .
I mean that uh ,I have come across, not not my myself but my friends has come across this kind of situations.
That um, these two people they have got differents towards one issue and maybe one of them will say no I can 't ,I can't agree with you and I can't stay with you any let's break up .
And then they broke up .And I think why they did this is that they couldn't understand each other so well.
And for me I just want to find someone who can understand me well and also I hope I can understand him well as well yes.
So these are the two main points that I ,uh ,these are the two main requirements that I look for .Thank you .
Judge:Contestan number 24 thank you very much indeed for both you speeches.
I loved you image of three colors,uh for the Beijing Olympics and you ,you you explained to us very clearly that Beijing has areadly gained a great deal as a city merely from bidding ,because of all the changes that are taking place and the improvements.
And I just want you to imagine for a moment that you have been called in as an ,as an advisor to the city goverment .
And if you were asked by them for any further suggestions as to what else uh could be done to make it even better,I wonder what you would say?
QiYue:Uh,thank you for your question first.I think if I ,I can be an advisor for the government which is a great honor to me ,I , I hope that I will just emphasize mainly on the environment .
Uh, as I mentioned in my presentation that I do not think that Beijing is as green a city as what we like it to be , I mean that we are trying to build a green Beijing and um ,I, I think that uh, maybe maybe!
the things I want to do is very simple, I want more tress to be planted and also I want to see more green areas of the city and uh, these are the two things I mainly ask for .Thank you .
我想做的事情很简单.我希望种植更多的树木,我还想看到这个城市有更多的绿化面积, 这就是我请求的两件事.谢谢!
Judge:Thank you very much.Thank you contestant number 24.Um,I'd like to focus back on your boyfriend.
Ha ,ha and um I'm assuming that um you will eventually find um, um someone with those qualities and that you will um be very happy.
Um,my question has to do with when you decide to get married.Now that you're found the perfect boyfriend um ,what are some of the advantages that you see uh, with regard to waiting a little bit later?
Say around 30 or so uh, to get married.That's a fairly late age to marry someone.
What would you see as advantages for you to wait?Females to wait?
QiYue:Uh, okay,that's a very good question and also very unexpected .Um ,well as unexpected as the question I get um ,the advantages the female if they want ,if they have to wait um ,well actually I think that um, I think it ,It's a good thing.
I mean that for myself I do not really want to get married at the early age.
I , I think that maybe I will get married at the age of 28 or 30um ,and also at the pressure of my parents I guess.
I think this is a good thing because I want to develop myself fully .
Um,after I graduated from the university I 'll be about 22, let's say and if I get married too early ,and I do not really have uh ,too much space,too much space for me to develop myself.
I want to work several years and then I want to have some self achievements.
I want to achieve in my ,in my uh in my job let's say.And I want to see those uh , those achievements so I think this is a good thing and I don't really mind waiting .Thank you .
Judge:Thank you .Um ,you in four first presentation ,you said a lot about what the government ,the munici...the government has done ,uh,in order to prepare for the two-o-o eight Olympic games.
Uh, what can ordinary people, particulary college students do to prepare for the two-o-o eight games.
QiYue:Uh, First ,thank you for your question .Actually ,I have been thinking about this for a long time .
What can I do as an individual to help bid for the Olympic games?Um ,I think first is that ,um ,uh, I think that by participating in this kind of speech competition ,it's a kind of help to bid for the 2008 Olympic games.
And I just want to express my wish ,and um ,I hope ,I hope that we can successfully bid for the games,and this is one thing I can do for bidding for the games, and this is one thing I can do for bidding for the games.
I want to do tell my ideas to the audience here and want to , I want myself be know .
I, I mean that's my ideas to be know.And secondly ,yes this is something I actually did for bidding for the Olympic games is that I planted some trees.
Uh,well ,on the, on the tree planting day and my ,my family and I we went to the suburbs of Beijing and we planted serval trees there and I hope these young trees are still alive now .
Thank you .

重点单词   查看全部解释    
complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

splendor ['splendə]


n. 光辉,壮丽,显赫

theme [θi:m]


n. 题目,主题

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

emphasize ['emfəsaiz]


vt. 强调,着重

radiant ['reidjənt]


adj. 发光的,明亮的,辐射的

suitable ['sju:təbl]


adj. 合适的,适宜的
adv. 合适

dredge [dredʒ]


n. 挖泥机,捞网 v. 用挖泥机疏浚 v. 把粉撒在





