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  • Good morning.Ladies and gentlmen:
  • 女士们,先生们,早上好:
  • In the history of Olmpic Games,there have been many shining stars.Among them was a European girl.
  • 在奥林匹克运动会的历史上,出现了很多耀眼的明星,其中有个欧洲的女孩.
  • With the elapse of time ,her name has faded from our memory ,yet her unbending spirit shall never perish.
  • 随着时间的飞逝,她的名字早被遗忘,然而她不屈不挠的精神却永远不会消失.
  • It was she who highlighted the Olympic Creed.
  • 正是她突出了奥林匹克的信条.
  • In lead though she had been ,she stumbled near the terminus and her leg was injured .
  • 她一直处于领先位置,然而在终点前她摔倒了,腿受了伤.
  • Competitors passed her from behind in succession until finally only her weak and lonely figure remained on the track .
  • 竞争者一个个从她身后超过,直到最后跑道剩下她一个孤独和衰弱的身影,
  • Doctors came and offered to take her away .Yet she refused .
  • 医生跑了过来要求把她抬走,她拒绝了.
  • With the only strength left in her ,she managed to get up and shuffled feebly to the endpoint with drops of blood along her trail but cheers broke out .
  • 她用身上仅剩的力气,挣扎着站起来,一步步地走到终点线,路上是一滴滴的鲜血...观众的喝彩声爆发了.
  • Though she failed in the race, the girl won the applause from people all over the world.
  • 尽管她在赛场上失败了,这女孩子赢得了全世界人们的掌声.
  • It was she who elucidated the Olympic Creed of "participation".It was she who in stilled perseverance in our mind.
  • 正是她阐明了奥林匹克运动会的"参与"信条.正是她给我们的心灵灌输了不屈不挠的精神.
  • China also deserves such applause for her persistend of forts of bid for the Olmpic Games.
  • 中国坚持不懈地努力去申办奥运会的行动也值得这样的掌声.
  • Eight years ago ,we Chinese regretted that margin of two votes,by which Beijing lost to Sydney in hosting the 27th Olympic Games.
  • 八年前,在申办第二十七届奥运会的时候,我们中国北京很遗憾地以两票之差输给了悉尼.
  • Eight years have passed.We chinese have been gearing up for all the chalenges.
  • 八年过去了,我们中国一直在为挑战性增加砝码,
  • Governors have taken new measures to protect Beijing's environment.
  • 地方官员已采取了新的措施去保护北京的环境.
  • Taxi drivers parrot daily English to improve their service for foreign guests.
  • 的士司机们学习日常英语去改善他们对外宾的服务.
  • Volunteers ride through the country to collect signatures from supporters .
  • 志愿者骑车走遍全国收集支持者的签名.
  • Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots, the Olympic emblem,with their dexterous hands.
  • 学校女生们用灵巧的双手去编织中国花结和奥运会的会徽.
  • Here today,we college students are showing our readiness.
  • 今天在这里,我们大学生也表示了我们的意愿.
  • Ideals are like stars by which we chart our course.What then was the idea of the girl?
  • 我们是根据明星的理想去确立自己的人生的方向.那么,那个女孩的理想又是什么呢?
  • It's her aspiration for selffulfillment.It's her firm belief in the Olympic Creed.
  • 那是她自我实现的渴望.那是她对奥林匹克信条坚定的信仰.
  • With us Chinese,it's our strong wish for a most prosperous and powerful nation .
  • 我们中国的理想是去成为一个繁荣富强的国家,
  • It's our undying desire to better understand and cooperate with the rest of the world.
  • 去和世界其它国家更好地合作.
  • Twenty years ago,our motherland opened her door to the whole world.
  • 二十年前,我们的祖国对外开放.
  • Now ,China is the largest developing country in the world with her irresistible fascination for international entrepreneurs.
  • 现在,中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,对国际的企业家们有着不可抵抗的吸引力.
  • As for sports undertakings,China has won 1,317 world champions and has set 1,026 world records.
  • 至于体育事业,中国一共赢得了一千三百一十七个世界冠军和创造了一千零二十六项世界纪录.
  • As an ancient wisdom says:history is the witness of the times,the torch of truth ,the life of memory,the teacher of life ,the messaager of antiquity .
  • 正如古代圣贤所说:历史是朝代的见证人,是真理的火炬,是记忆的生命,是生命的教师,是古代的信使.
  • The long history of China gives us aspirations.
  • 中国的悠久历史给了我们抱负.
  • These aspirations,we believe ,can be somehow realized by means of sports .
  • 我们相信这些抱负可以通过体育的途径来实现.
  • The Olympics Games provides a good chance to display the achievements gained in China's reform and opening efforts,
  • 奥林匹克运动会给中国提供了一次绝对的机会去展示改革和开放的成就,
  • and meanwhile it enables us Chinese to learn new ideas,new methods and new things from the outside world.
  • 同时它促使我们中国从外界学习新概念,新方法和新事物.
  • It helps to spleed up the pace of opening, promote economic development and accelerate the scientific and technological progress.
  • 它帮助我们去加快开放的进程,促进经济发展和加快科技的进步.
  • Above all, the Olympic Games provides a vast stage for cultural exchanges between different poeples.
  • 最重要的就是,奥林匹克运动会给不同民族的人们之间的文化交流提供了一个巨大的舞台.
  • The Olympic Games is not only an arena,which inspires the best from the athletes ,but also an effort ,
  • 奥林匹克运动会不仅是一个激励运动员发挥最佳水平的大赛场,而且是一种激励每个人希望和争取优秀的努力.
  • which inspires hope and desire for excellence in everybody .The Olympic spirit, as it's been with the girl, is all of us now ,in our bidding ,in our work ,in our study , and also in the non-Olympic years.
  • 在那女孩子身上的奥林匹克精神现在已经存在我们每个人身上,在我们的申办里,在我们的工作上,还存在于不是奥运年的日子里.
  • Through our joint hard work and dedication ,we stay together ,looking forward to seeing the Olympic banner unfurled in Beijing in 2008 and the Olympic flame burning brightly in the sky of China.
  • 通过我们共同的努力和奉献,我们一起期望看到二零零八年奥林匹克运动会的旗帜飘扬在北京的上空,奥运会的火焰照亮中国的天空.
  • It will be a good occasion for global reunion.It will be one of the best and most memoralbe Olympics in the world .
  • 那将会是全球团聚的大盛会,将会是一次全世界最好和最值得纪念的奥运会.
  • Thank you .
  • лл.
  • Thank you contestant number eight.Let me ask you this.
  • 谢谢八号参赛选手.让我来问你一个问题.
  • What's more important in your career ,to make money or to be satisfied with your work?
  • 在你的职业生涯中,是赚钱重要还是对工作感到满意重要呢?
  • Sun Yan :Well,I think everyone is wondering about the same question .What is important?
  • 我想每个人都这个问题感到疑惑.什么是重要的?
  • What is more important ,making money or self-satisfaction ?
  • 什么是更重要的,赚钱还是自我满足?
  • I think both of them is important .Live to eat or eat to live?That is the question .
  • 我认为两方面都很重要.活着为了吃还是吃为了活呢?那就是问题的所在.
  • But as we raise this question ,we ignore one thing ,that making money and self-satisfaction is not contradictory .
  • 但我们提出这个问题的时候,我们忽略了一件事情,赚钱和自我满足之间并不矛盾.
  • That if I want to find a satisfying job ,that doesn't mean that I will be worrying about where my next meal comes from .
  • 如果我想找一份令自己满意的工作,那并不意味着我将会担心我的下一顿饭.
  • No ,I think the answer is definitely no .So ,in my future career,I'd like to fulfill myself and meanwhile make lots of money .
  • 不,我想答案绝对是否定的.所以在我以后的职业生涯中,我会在满足自己的同时赚到大笔钱.
  • And if I can become a millionaire ,that's the best ,mmm,important ,that'a the best thing.
  • 如果我能成为一个百万富翁,那就再好不过了,那可是最好的事情.
  • Um,if I am faced with an exceptional case in which money making and self-satisfaction is contradictory ,then I would prefer self-satisfaction to money making because you know everyone of us only lives once.
  • 如果我面对的是一个赚钱和自我满足的例外情况,我会喜欢自我满足胜过赚钱,因为你知道每个人只能活一次,
  • And life speeds by every minute ,every second .
  • 而生命一分一秒地消逝,
  • We should not trade happiness for money .The value of our life is not measured in terms of money but in terms of our contribution to ourselves,to our familly,and to the whole society .
  • 我们不应该拿幸福来交换金钱.生命是不能用金钱来衡量的,而是用我们对自己,对我们的国家和对整个社会的贡献来衡量的.
  • So ,I hope that everyone of you share the same opinion with me.
  • 所以,我希望你们当中的每个人和我的观点是相同的.
  • Thank you.
  • лл!
  • Thank you candidate number eight .Returning to your prepared speech, you gave us a ,a very moving picture of participation in the Olympics and a very beautiful vision of it here in China .
  • 谢谢八号选手.回到你的命题演讲,你给了我们关于参加奥林匹克运动会的一幅动人的画面,和它在中国这里的美丽的想象.
  • Um, world-wide vast sums of money are spent on sports,mostly I think with the aim of winning.
  • 全世界在体育运动方面花费大量的金钱,我想大部分都是花在胜利的目标上.
  • And I wonder if you think this is well spent?
  • 我不知道你认为这样值不值得.
  • Um,I think the money spent in the Olympic games is well spent actually to most extent I think so because you know ,um, to host Olympic games needs lots of money .
  • 在很大程度上,花在奥林匹克运动会上金钱是用在刀刃上,因为你知道,主办奥林匹克运动会需要大笔的钱,
  • And through the Olympic games we know lots of things.For example ,we know,um,um just as we know in the life around the Sydney Olympic games in the year 2000,you know ,
  • 通过奥运会我们会了解很多事情.例如,两千年在悉尼举办的二十七届奥运会上
  • we know Mickey Webster,that lovely girl in Olympic opening ceremony and we know Sydney,we know Australia.
  • 我们认识了那个在奥运会开幕式上的可爱的米基.韦伯斯特,我们认识了悉尼、澳大利亚。
  • So ,and everyone ,um,every ,uh athlete, you know ,compete,competed well in the competition.
  • 我们认识了每个在赛场上竞争的运动员.
  • And ,and so in this process, we ,um improve our friendship .We know each other very well and we make friends.We become friends.
  • 在这个认识的过程中,我们增加了友谊.我们互相了解,认识到不少朋友,我们成为了好朋友.
  • So that is the most important thing and thus we safeguard world peace ,you know .
  • 这是最重要的一点,这样我们保护了世界和平.你知道,
  • Uh,when we,you know ,when we saw the TV program,we don't matter whether an athlete is black or white or if other , um,race, races ,you know.
  • 当我们看电视的时候,我们不会在乎是一个运动员的肤色是黑色,白色或其它颜色,
  • We just appreciate the performance, the wonderful performance from a ,from the bottom of my heart.
  • 我们心底里只是欣赏比赛表演,精彩的比赛.
  • So ,so I think there realy ,um ,spent properly .This money is worth it to spend.Thank you .
  • 所以,我觉得这钱花得值得.谢谢!
  • Thank you .
  • лл!


Good morning.Ladies and gentlmen:

In the history of Olmpic Games,there have been many shining stars.Among them was a European girl.
With the elapse of time ,her name has faded from our memory ,yet her unbending spirit shall never perish.
It was she who highlighted the Olympic Creed.
In lead though she had been ,she stumbled near the terminus and her leg was injured .
Competitors passed her from behind in succession until finally only her weak and lonely figure remained on the track .
Doctors came and offered to take her away .Yet she refused .
With the only strength left in her ,she managed to get up and shuffled feebly to the endpoint with drops of blood along her trail but cheers broke out .
Though she failed in the race, the girl won the applause from people all over the world.
It was she who elucidated the Olympic Creed of "participation".It was she who in stilled perseverance in our mind.
China also deserves such applause for her persistend of forts of bid for the Olmpic Games.
Eight years ago ,we Chinese regretted that margin of two votes,by which Beijing lost to Sydney in hosting the 27th Olympic Games.
Eight years have passed.We chinese have been gearing up for all the chalenges.
Governors have taken new measures to protect Beijing's environment.
Taxi drivers parrot daily English to improve their service for foreign guests.
Volunteers ride through the country to collect signatures from supporters .
Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots, the Olympic emblem,with their dexterous hands.
Here today,we college students are showing our readiness.
Ideals are like stars by which we chart our course.What then was the idea of the girl?
It's her aspiration for selffulfillment.It's her firm belief in the Olympic Creed.
With us Chinese,it's our strong wish for a most prosperous and powerful nation .
It's our undying desire to better understand and cooperate with the rest of the world.
Twenty years ago,our motherland opened her door to the whole world.
Now ,China is the largest developing country in the world with her irresistible fascination for international entrepreneurs.
As for sports undertakings,China has won 1,317 world champions and has set 1,026 world records.
As an ancient wisdom says:history is the witness of the times,the torch of truth ,the life of memory,the teacher of life ,the messaager of antiquity .
The long history of China gives us aspirations.
These aspirations,we believe ,can be somehow realized by means of sports .
The Olympics Games provides a good chance to display the achievements gained in China's reform and opening efforts,
and meanwhile it enables us Chinese to learn new ideas,new methods and new things from the outside world.
It helps to spleed up the pace of opening, promote economic development and accelerate the scientific and technological progress.
Above all, the Olympic Games provides a vast stage for cultural exchanges between different poeples.
The Olympic Games is not only an arena,which inspires the best from the athletes ,but also an effort ,
which inspires hope and desire for excellence in everybody .The Olympic spirit, as it's been with the girl, is all of us now ,in our bidding ,in our work ,in our study , and also in the non-Olympic years.
Through our joint hard work and dedication ,we stay together ,looking forward to seeing the Olympic banner unfurled in Beijing in 2008 and the Olympic flame burning brightly in the sky of China.
It will be a good occasion for global reunion.It will be one of the best and most memoralbe Olympics in the world .
Thank you .
Jiang Hua:Thank you contestant number eight.Let me ask you this.
What's more important in your career ,to make money or to be satisfied with your work?
Sun Yan :Well,I think everyone is wondering about the same question .What is important?
What is more important ,making money or self-satisfaction ?
I think both of them is important .Live to eat or eat to live?That is the question .
But as we raise this question ,we ignore one thing ,that making money and self-satisfaction is not contradictory .
That if I want to find a satisfying job ,that doesn't mean that I will be worrying about where my next meal comes from .
No ,I think the answer is definitely no .So ,in my future career,I'd like to fulfill myself and meanwhile make lots of money .
And if I can become a millionaire ,that's the best ,mmm,important ,that'a the best thing.
Um,if I am faced with an exceptional case in which money making and self-satisfaction is contradictory ,then I would prefer self-satisfaction to money making because you know everyone of us only lives once.
And life speeds by every minute ,every second .
We should not trade happiness for money .The value of our life is not measured in terms of money but in terms of our contribution to ourselves,to our familly,and to the whole society .
So ,I hope that everyone of you share the same opinion with me.
Thank you.
Judge:Thank you candidate number eight .Returning to your prepared speech, you gave us a ,a very moving picture of participation in the Olympics and a very beautiful vision of it here in China .
Um, world-wide vast sums of money are spent on sports,mostly I think with the aim of winning.
And I wonder if you think this is well spent?
SunYan:Um,I think the money spent in the Olympic games is well spent actually to most extent I think so because you know ,um, to host Olympic games needs lots of money .
And through the Olympic games we know lots of things.For example ,we know,um,um just as we know in the life around the Sydney Olympic games in the year 2000,you know ,
we know Mickey Webster,that lovely girl in Olympic opening ceremony and we know Sydney,we know Australia.
So ,and everyone ,um,every ,uh athlete, you know ,compete,competed well in the competition.
And ,and so in this process, we ,um improve our friendship .We know each other very well and we make friends.We become friends.
So that is the most important thing and thus we safeguard world peace ,you know .
Uh,when we,you know ,when we saw the TV program,we don't matter whether an athlete is black or white or if other , um,race, races ,you know.
We just appreciate the performance, the wonderful performance from a ,from the bottom of my heart.
So ,so I think there realy ,um ,spent properly .This money is worth it to spend.Thank you .
Judge:Thank you .

重点单词   查看全部解释    
environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良

joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

perseverance [.pə:si'viərəns]


n. 毅力,忍耐,不屈不挠

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

contribution [.kɔntri'bju:ʃən]


n. 贡献,捐款(赠)

cooperate [kəu'ɔpəreit]


vi. 合作,协力

contradictory [.kɔntrə'diktəri]


adj. 矛盾的 n. 矛盾

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛





