According to Smith, any sort of non-reproductive sexual behavior hashistorically been seen as perverse. These days, though, many people are okaywith sex that isn't reproductive. We're less okay with emotional attachmentsthat aren't socially productive, and so it seems the distaste is strongest forthe small subset of men who consider themselves to be in romantic relationshipswith their dolls, rather than just using them for sex. We expect a relationshipto involve mutual consent, a kind of equality and reciprocity that isimpossible with a doll. By its very nature, the relationship is one-sided—ateeter-totter with only one person sitting on it.

But realistic dolls often do inspire real affection, and even devotion. Somemen assign personalities and preferences to the dolls they design (Davecat'sdolls even have Twitter accounts), and they talk about them as one would a livepartner. "There is genuine empathy here,” Smith writes, "what the Germans callEinfurlung, an entering into the feelings of an other."
A love for one's own creation, though, is also, in a way, self-love, ornarcissism. "This is why so much of it has to do with masturbation," Smithsays. "These things are not unconnected."
Narcissistic or not, that attachment can become isolating. Smithpoints out that, especially in the age of technology, intimate relationshipswith objects aren't so uncommon. "Think about the way you use your iPhone," hesays. "You hold it, and you stroke it, and you scroll. You're holding it toyour ear as we speak. It's kind of a part of you. It's an extension of you." But things are different when the object is human-shaped and the relationshipis sexual. Owning a doll can have "social and psychological consequences formen who want to develop these intimate and erotic relationships with aninanimate human form. I don't want to pathologize anyone, but I think there's adanger around the way that processes like that objectify men's relationshipswith themselves in a way that restricts an authentic emotional intelligence."
Sarah Valverde, a researcher and mental health therapist, did her mastersthesis in psychology on the demographics and psychological characteristics ofsex doll owners. She says that many of the men she surveyed for her researchfelt shame or embarrassment about owning sex dolls. But contrary to popularstereotypes, they were just as satisfied with their lives, on average, as thegeneral population, and didn't suffer higher-than-normal rates of depression orother mental illness. Owning a sex doll "is certainly a deviant sexual behaviorfrom our norm," she says. "But unless it's all-consuming and it impacts otherareas of life, we really can't define it as a disorder."
SarahValverde研究员和心理健康专家 ,她的硕士论文是关于玩偶拥有者心理特性的。她说她研究调查很多略显害羞尴尬的娃娃拥有者,与传统观点相反,他们对生活满意的满程度与普通人持平,没有遭受过抑郁症或其他精神疾病的苦难折磨。拥有一个性爱娃娃“无疑阻止了我们的出轨行为”她说,“除非它到处出现并影响到其它方面,不然我们真不应该定义它为障碍。”