There's also plenty of speculation about the difference between men and women'smasturbation styles. In his 1936 book Studies in the Psychology of Sex, theEnglish psychologist Henry Havelock Ellis wrote that men are more visual, whilewomen are more imaginative and rely more on their sense of touch. Both Smithand McCullen reiterated this conventional wisdom, and, allowing for individualdifferences, it seems like a plausible enough explanation for why most dolls,like most porn, are made with men's interests in mind. Most women care mainlyabout the actual tactile sensation, while men like things to look real, thethinking goes. When a man is getting it on with a doll, especially a modern onewith its silicone skin and almost-human expression, it's easier for him topretend it wants him back.

There are some women who buy female dolls. But McCullen says many of thempurchase the dolls with a male partner—or with the intention of dressing themup and enjoying them as fashion dolls. "A lot of women like the dolls becausethey're like life-size Barbies," he says.
Barbara, a 61-year-old small business owner from California, is one of the fewwomen involved in the community. She says she first heard about the dollsthrough a news story about people who were using them to cheat their way intocarpool lanes. Then she saw Davecat on the TLC show My Strange Addiction, gotin touch, and found him "extremely welcoming." The community as a wholeembraces female members, despite being mostly male, she says.
Barbara and her husband own four dolls, which she says they use only forphotography, though she has "not the slightest objection to people who use themfor their 'intended purpose.'"
"Feminists seem to be totally horrified by these dolls, which puzzles me, as Iam a feminist," Barbara told me in an email. "They say that the dolls 'objectify' women because they are so beautiful that real women cannot hope tocompete with them on the basis of looks."
Most feminists, however, probably aren't objecting because they're worriedabout entering into a beauty competition with the dolls. Complaints aboutobjectification centered on men who treat women as objects—disregarding theiragency or feelings and viewing them as mere tools to be used for selfish ends.Sex dolls are objects; they're also, critically, objects you can own. And theseobjects you can own are shaped, almost all of the time, like women.
In her Ph.D. dissertation, Moya questions why there is something uniquelyperverse about owning a sex doll. As she puts it, "A better spatula does notinspire lengthy monologues about human alienation and the reifying effects oftechnological mechanization on our lifestyles." Sexuality is an appetite, notunlike hunger, but we treat the devices used to satisfy that appetitedifferently. If the doll owners aren't hurting anyone, why should we condemn somethingthat is basically just fancy masturbation?
But sex dolls do retain something of an ick-factor, even asvibrators and other sex toys have become more mainstream. That's because thedolls are tied up with questions about gender and power in a way that spatulas(and even vibrators) are not.