Throughout history, men without access to beautiful statues—but with an inclination to make love to wome-shaped things-have made do in variousways. Sailors often used cloth to fashion fornicatory dolls known as dame devoyage in French, or dama de viaje in Spanish. In modern-day Japan, sex dollsare sometimes known as "Dutch wives"-a reference to the hand-sewn leathermasturbation puppets made by the 17th-century Dutch sailors who traded with theJapanese.

Though sailors'dolls were just generic substitutes for the female form—anyfemale form—there are some instances of men creating dolls as stand-ins forspecific women. In 1916, after the Austro-Hungarian artist Oskar Kokoschka wasjilted by his lover, the pianist and composer Alma Mahler, he wrote that he had "lost all desire to go through the ordeal of love again." (This is a refrainthat doll owners have repeated through the ages.) He still desired Mahler,though, so much so that he provided her dressmaker with incredibly detailedinstructions for a life-sized replica of Mahler, specifying not only herappearance but everything down to how her skin should feel. Historians differon what happened after Kokoschka received the doll. One thing is for sure—itwas extremely furry, covered in "skin" more reminiscent of a plush stuffedanimal than a human woman. One account says he was "enraptured” by it all thesame; others say he was disappointed. He made several drawings of it, and,according to some reports, eventually destroyed it at a party, either burning itor burying it in his garden.
In 1877, a gardener wasreportedly found attempting to have sex with a replica of the Venus de Milo.