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  • There had been one golden moment. It came in 1974, the year he started driving a taxi.
  • 皮埃尔有过一次高光的时刻。那是1974年,那一年他开始开计程车。
  • Congo, then called Zaire, won the African Soccer Cup and hosted the Rumble in the Jungle, the heavyweight boxing match between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali.
  • 当时被称为扎伊尔的刚果,赢得了非洲足球杯,并主办了丛林之战,这是乔治·福尔曼和穆罕默德·阿里之间的重量级拳击比赛。
  • Kin-shasa was suddenly swarming with Americans, hands full of dollars, needing a cab. Even better, one evening Ali himself, his hero, came out of the hotel.
  • 金沙萨突然挤满了手里都是钱的美国人,他们需要一辆出租车。更妙的是,一天晚上,阿里,他的英雄,从酒店出来。
  • One of the younger drivers tried to spar with him, and he, Pierre, stepped between them like a referee to shout "Break! Dégage-toi!"
  • 一个年轻的司机想和皮埃尔争抢,他像裁判一样站在他们中间喊道:“一边呆着去!滚开!”
  • He saw that fight, which Ali won, and loved ever after to drive his journalists past the May 20th Stadium, remembering it. He could show them other good things, too.
  • 他看到了那场拳击赛,阿里赢了,从此他就喜欢开车带着他的记者们经过5月20日的体育场,并铭记在心。他还可以向他们展示其他的好东西。
  • He took many to eat fish and cassava at Maluku on the Congo river,
  • 他带了很多人去刚果河上的马鲁库去吃鱼和木薯,
  • and encouraged some to meet Papa Wendo, the ancient father of the Congolese rumba, or to listen in on meetings of intellectuals who conversed in English.
  • 并鼓励一些人去见刚果伦巴舞之父温多老爹,或旁听用英语交谈的知识分子的会议。
  • He wanted to display Congo's best side—the really impressive side,
  • 他想展示刚果最好的一面-真正令人印象深刻的一面,
  • not the overweening official villas on the hill in Binza towards which the little Fiat would trundle, then expire, and need to be jump-started while the sharp suits stood and stared.
  • 而不是宾萨山上那些高高在上的官员别墅,小菲亚特会朝着这些别墅蹒跚而行,然后熄火,需要在穿着时髦的西装的人挺立着盯着看时候启动它。
  • Some of those officials, the grosses legumes, he knew, and they gave him a certain respect,
  • 他知道,那些官员中有一些是粗鄙的人,他们给了他一定的尊重,
  • both because he kept turning up with Western journalists and because, clearly, he was fearless.
  • 既是因为他总是和西方记者一块出现,明显地,也是因为他无所畏惧。


There had been one golden moment. It came in 1974, the year he started driving a taxi. Congo, then called Zaire, won the African Soccer Cup and hosted the Rumble in the Jungle, the heavyweight boxing match between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali. Kin-shasa was suddenly swarming with Americans, hands full of dollars, needing a cab. Even better, one evening Ali himself, his hero, came out of the hotel. One of the younger drivers tried to spar with him, and he, Pierre, stepped between them like a referee to shout "Break! Dégage-toi!"

He saw that fight, which Ali won, and loved ever after to drive his journalists past the May 20th Stadium, remembering it. He could show them other good things, too. He took many to eat fish and cassava at Maluku on the Congo river, and encouraged some to meet Papa Wendo, the ancient father of the Congolese rumba, or to listen in on meetings of intellectuals who conversed in English.


He wanted to display Congo's best sidethe really impressive side, not the overweening official villas on the hill in Binza towards which the little Fiat would trundle, then expire, and need to be jump-started while the sharp suits stood and stared. Some of those officials, the grosses legumes, he knew, and they gave him a certain respect, both because he kept turning up with Western journalists and because, clearly, he was fearless.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

believable [bi'li:vəbl]


adj. 可信的

fiat ['faiæt, ət]


n. 由(政府)授权而具有特别意义的,如fiat-mon

referee [.refə'ri:]


n. 仲裁人,调解人,裁判员 v. 仲裁,裁判

shell [ʃel]


n. 壳,外壳
v. 去壳,脱落,拾贝壳

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

fearless ['fiəlis]


adj. 无畏的,大胆的,勇敢的

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的





