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  • Indonesia was a country of 17,000 islands, perched on the "Ring of Fire" at the edge of the Pacific, with 127 active volcanoes.
  • 印度尼西亚是一个拥有17000个岛屿的国家,坐落在太平洋边缘的“火环”上,拥有127座活火山。
  • They could erupt at any time, and the same sliding plates unleashed earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis, adding up to more than 2,300 emergencies a year.
  • 这些活火山随时都可以爆发,同样的滑动板块会引发地震、滑坡和海啸,每年总共有超过2300次紧急事件。
  • As his job went on, the tally got worse: 2018 was the deadliest for natural disasters in over a decade, with more than 4,600 people killed.
  • 随着他的工作进行,情况变得更糟:2018年是十多年来自然灾害最严重的一年,有4600多人丧生。
  • Yet Indonesians barely knew what they faced. A poll of his many Twitter followers revealed that 86% had never had disaster training.
  • 但是印度尼西亚人几乎不知道他们面临的是什么。一项针对他的推特粉丝的调查显示,86%的人从未接受过灾难训练。
  • So first of all he provided clarity, turning data from monitors on the ground into clear statements to the press.
  • 因此,首先,他提供了清晰的信息,将地面监视器的数据转化为对媒体的清晰陈述。
  • There were plenty of those, and 500 press releases in 2018 alone. Then he did some educating.
  • 有很多这样的发言,只在2018年就有500次媒体发言。然后他做了一些有教育意义的事情。
  • He filled the BNPB building with dioramas, mud-crusted relics from landslides, notices tipped sideways
  • 他在印尼国家减灾署大楼里放满了立体模型,这些模型是山体滑坡留下的泥质外壳、倾斜的告示和废墟背景,
  • and backdrops of devastation into which visitors could insert themselves, as rescuers, for selfies.
  • 游客可以作为救援人员进入其中自拍。
  • (That might seem silly, but he liked to pose in them himself, smiling a bit self-consciously;
  • (这似乎有点傻,但他喜欢自己在照片里摆姿势,有点难为情地微笑着;
  • it all helped to show school children, in particular, what being caught up in a disaster was like.)
  • 这些模型尤其是为了向学校儿童展示困在灾难中是什么感觉。)
  • He shrugged off the occasional government grumble about being "too naughty".
  • 政府偶尔抱怨他“太淘气”,他对此不屑一顾。
  • After all, before he took the job he had already publicised the fact that cracks in a dam were caused by official negligence.
  • 毕竟,在他担任该职位之前,他已经公布了一个事实,即大坝的裂缝是由于官方疏忽造成的。
  • They knew he would be a handful. Social media, though, was his trump card. Almost all Indonesians now had mobile phones.
  • 他们知道苏托坡很难对付。但是,社交媒体是他的王牌。几乎所有的印度尼西亚人现在都有手机。
  • He ran seven WhatsApp groups to exchange data with monitors and journalists,
  • 他运营了7个WhatsApp群组,与监控人员和记者交换数据,
  • who could always get "Pak Topo" when they needed him, and he used Twitter to keep the public up to speed.
  • 他们需要他的时候总能联系到“巴基·托坡”,他使用推特来让公众了解最新情况。


Indonesia was a country of 17,000 islands, perched on the "Ring of Fire" at the edge of the Pacific, with 127 active volcanoes. They could erupt at any time, and the same sliding plates unleashed earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis, adding up to more than 2,300 emergencies a year. As his job went on, the tally got worse: 2018 was the deadliest for natural disasters in over a decade, with more than 4,600 people killed.

Yet Indonesians barely knew what they faced. A poll of his many Twitter followers revealed that 86% had never had disaster training. So first of all he provided clarity, turning data from monitors on the ground into clear statements to the press. There were plenty of those, and 500 press releases in 2018 alone. Then he did some educating. He filled the BNPB building with dioramas, mud-crusted relics from landslides, notices tipped sideways and backdrops of devastation into which visitors could insert themselves, as rescuers, for selfies.


(That might seem silly, but he liked to pose in them himself, smiling a bit self-consciously; it all helped to show school children, in particular, what being caught up in a disaster was like.) He shrugged off the occasional government grumble about being "too naughty". After all, before he took the job he had already publicised the fact that cracks in a dam were caused by official negligence. They knew he would be a handful. Social media, though, was his trump card. Almost all Indonesians now had mobile phones. He ran seven WhatsApp groups to exchange data with monitors and journalists, who could always get "Pak Topo" when they needed him, and he used Twitter to keep the public up to speed.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
perch [pə:tʃ]


n. 栖木,高位,杆 v. 栖息,就位,位于

pond [pɔnd]


n. 池塘
v. 筑成池塘

dam [dæm]


n. 水坝,堤,障碍物
vt. 筑坝,抑制(情

clarity ['klæriti]


n. 清楚,透明

negligence ['neglidʒəns]


n. 疏忽,粗心大意

grumble ['grʌmbl]


v. 发牢骚,抱怨,轰鸣
n. 怨言,牢骚,轰

erupt [i'rʌpt]


v. 爆发

decade ['dekeid]


n. 十年

sensitive ['sensitiv]


adj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交





