n. 背景幕,背景
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- That was amazing.I can't believe you just did that to me.So you see the hips?
- 太厉害了 真不敢相信你竟然要我跳舞了 你看到他的臀部动作了吗
- Does that,how he does?the little hips swing like that?Alway the hips,that's what I'm saying.
- 他老是这样吗 这样摆动臀部 没错 我说的就是这个
- It all comes from the hips,Ellen.We all love our hips swing.
- 臀部是重点 Ellen 我们都喜欢这么跳
- Well,that's,that was exciting.Thank you.Absolutely.
- 这太令人兴奋了 谢谢你 当然的
- And what about Robert?Do you dance at all?
- 那Robert呢 你平时跳舞吗
- If there was any situation come where I thought I had to dance,
- 如果我认为我遇到 某些需要跳舞的情况
- I put on music,like in my room or whatever and I try,and I watch myself in the mirror dancing
- 我会在房间里或其他地方 放起音乐 然后自己对着镜子跳舞
- thinking it was like,I was like figuring out some planned moves,and it never happened,hasn't happened for years
- 就像是排练一样 对着设计动作 但是都没派上用场
- Do you remember any of those planned moves?Is there anything that you remember of the planned moves?
- 你记得那些动作吗 你练习过的任何动作
- I did a little of that.Oh,yeah,you did that?that was my favorite.And that.
- 我会这样 真的吗 你做了那个 这是我滴最爱 还有这个
- That was,that was the key.Wow,you were in the room looking at the mirror and did that to yourself?
- 这是 这才是重点 你会在房间里自己对着镜子 这么做
- I only do planned moves like 2 seconds,So you kind of do it and then
- 我只不过花几秒钟随意摆摆动作 所以做了这些准备以后
- So you get an impression of being a really good dancer,being like,yeah that's how it feels like,Clever.
- 就好像很会跳舞一样 自我感觉良好 没错 就是这种感觉 很聪明
- And now let's talk about the fans,that'd been living basically on the streets in tents for a while waiting for this movie to open.
- 我们来聊一下 在路边搭帐篷派对的粉丝们 他们一直在等待电影的上映
- They just want the free doughnuts,they heard about doughnuts will be as a gift for them.They didn't konw doughnuts were gonna be there,they're there no matter what.
- 他们想要免费的甜甜圈 他们听说甜甜圈会作为免费的礼物赠送 他们不知道这会有甜甜圈呀 无论怎样他们都会去的
- I mean that's crazy,right?Yeah,it is.And it's just,it's grown.Yeah,it' me right there.I'm going to say hi to him.Passing me out the doughnuts.
- 很疯狂对吗 是的 而且比以前更疯狂了 对 那是我 我正准备过去跟他打招呼 嘿 把甜甜圈递给我


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