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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Well,howdy.How do you do? How are you all doing?
  • 你好啊 你好 你们都好吗
  • We're doing just fine.Now do you get used to this?
  • 我们很好 你们都习惯吗
  • It must,I mean you just,Every where you go,you hear screaming like this all the time right?
  • 我是说 你们去哪儿都有许多粉丝为你们尖叫吧
  • I think it's pretty,it's especially crazy here,
  • 我觉得这里的粉丝特别疯狂
  • I mean cause you got them all wild up before hand,what do you mean we get them all wild up?
  • 我们来之前你就把气氛弄的很高涨了 什么意思 我们弄的吗
  • We don't get them all wild up.They're all wind up cause they're seeing you.
  • 才没有 他们是见到你们才这么疯狂的
  • They're just wild up when you walk out.We didn't have to do anything.
  • 我们啥也不用做 你们一出场他们就疯了
  • And I can't believe Robert's been here,but the two of you
  • Robert之前来过了 但是你们俩
  • Welcome,you've never been here before.Thank you,why?
  • 你们还没来过呢 欢迎你们 谢谢 为什么不来
  • I,Don't ask me why.It's the No1 thing I talk about,It's like family and friends.
  • 我 别问我为什么呀 我和我的家人朋友 第一件事就是讨论这事
  • I can't believe I haven't been on the show,because I watch it quite a bit.
  • 我经常看这个节目 真不敢相信我竟然没上过
  • So,it's pretty exciting for me to be on it.So why didn't you dance?
  • 所以今天能来我很激动 那你怎么不跳舞
  • Because I was nervous.He's a great dancer.He hides it.I don't know,honestly.
  • 因为我太紧张了 他的舞跳的很好 但他从不炫耀 我不懂
  • Is he a great dancer?No,no,I think so,he's afraid.
  • 他跳舞很厉害吗 没有 没有 我觉得是啊 他是怕
  • She always says I'm a good dancer,because there was.The rubber sell off him,that's why.
  • 她老是说我的舞跳的好 因为 那些想扭脖子的小动作出卖了你 这就是为什么
  • Sometimes I can't control it,but it's gotta be one of those moments.Like if you hear a great song you just start dancing?
  • 有时候我也控制不了自己 就想那样 所以你听到好音乐就会开始跳舞吗


Well,howdy.How do you do? How are you all doing?

你好啊 你好 你们都好吗

We're doing just fine.Now do you get used to this?

我们很好 你们都习惯吗

It must,I mean you just,Every where you go,you hear screaming like this all the time right?

我是说 你们去哪儿都有许多粉丝为你们尖叫吧

I think it's pretty,it's especially crazy here,


I mean cause you got them all wild up before hand,what do you mean we get them all wild up?

我们来之前你就把气氛弄的很高涨了 什么意思 我们弄的吗

We don't get them all wild up.They're all wind up cause they're seeing you.

才没有 他们是见到你们才这么疯狂的

They're just wild up when you walk out.We didn't have to do anything.

我们啥也不用做 你们一出场他们就疯了

And I can't believe Robert's been here,but the two of you

Robert之前来过了 但是你们俩

Welcome,you've never been here before.Thank you,why?

你们还没来过呢 欢迎你们 谢谢 为什么不来

I,Don't ask me why.It's the No1 thing I talk about,It's like family and friends.

我 别问我为什么呀 我和我的家人朋友 第一件事就是讨论这事

I can't believe I haven't been on the show,because I watch it quite a bit.

我经常看这个节目 真不敢相信我竟然没上过

So,it's pretty exciting for me to be on it.So why didn't you dance?

所以今天能来我很激动 那你怎么不跳舞

Because I was nervous.He's a great dancer.He hides it.I don't know,honestly.

因为我太紧张了 他的舞跳的很好 但他从不炫耀 我不懂

Is he a great dancer?No,no,I think so,he's afraid.

他跳舞很厉害吗 没有 没有 我觉得是啊 他是怕

She always says I'm a good dancer,because there was.The rubber sell off him,that's why.

她老是说我的舞跳的好 因为 那些想扭脖子的小动作出卖了你 这就是为什么

Sometimes I can't control it,but it's gotta be one of those moments.Like if you hear a great song you just start dancing?

有时候我也控制不了自己 就想那样 所以你听到好音乐就会开始跳舞吗

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territory ['teritəri]


n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

controlled [kən'trəuld]


adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

rubber ['rʌbə]


n. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品
adj. 橡胶的

retail ['ri:teil]


n. 零售
vt. 零售,传述

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

gear [giə]


n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具
v. 使适应





