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  • Have a seat.Wooh,I appreciate it.That's a wonderful amount of energy coming right at me and I send it all right back to you.Thank you so much
  • 请坐 非常感谢 谢谢你们这澎湃的热情 我把它送还给你们 非常感谢
  • I think I konw why you're excited.That's right,very soon you're gonna be in a room of a whole bunch of people
  • 我知道你们为什么那么激动 没错 你们即将在这里遇见一群人
  • Whose only desire is to suck the life out of you
  • 他们唯一的欲望就是把你们吃掉
  • That's right.It's almost Thanksgiving
  • 是啊 感恩节就要到了
  • Also the cast of the new movie Twilight:Breaking Dawn part 1 is here
  • 我们今天还将迎来《暮光之城:破晓》上集的全体演员
  • And if that is not exciting enough,also on the show today,the cast of the new movie Twilight:Breaking Dawn Part 2.
  • 如果这还不够 今天的节目还有 《暮光之城:破晓》下集的全体演员
  • I wanna read you some of these reviews.Let me read you,just a few
  • 我来给你们念念这些评论 几条就够了
  • It appeals to fans all in new,endlessly likeable,an experience not to be missed
  • 它标新立异 让人爱不释手 绝不容错过
  • That these are reviews of my book Seriously,I'm Kidding
  • 这是我的新书 《Seriously,I'm kidding》的书评
  • But I hear the reviews for Twilight are great,too.So,I just don't have them with me
  • 但是我听说《破晓》的评论也很不错 只不过 我没把它们带来
  • I don't have ghost.This audience saw the movie and you loved it,right
  • 我可没找人代笔 你们都看了吧 很喜欢对吗
  • Well,for those of you at home,I don't wanna say too much about the movie,cause I don't wanna spoil the ending.
  • 电视机前的观众朋友们 我不想说的太多 因为我怕把结局给透露出来
  • And then you know,you won't be surprised when you find out it was all a dream,so
  • 当你们知道这只是一个梦 就不会有惊喜了
  • No,it's not a dream,it's real.And it's also very real and that media that hits the Cullen's house.That's very
  • 骗你的 它不是梦 是真的 并且也很真实的就是媒体们 偷袭的Cullen夫人的房子 这真是哎
  • No,I don't wanna ruin the ending.It's always better when you're surprised.It's just like,how surprised you're gonna be when you find out who Bella's real father is
  • 不 我不想把结局给毁了 你们得自己看才会有意思 想想 当你们发现Bella的生父是谁时会有多惊喜
  • No,it has nothing to do with her father.It's her mother.No,it has nothing to do with the parents.It's about the twin.
  • 不 跟她父亲没有关系 是母亲才对 不 跟父母都没关系 她是双胞胎
  • And then they switched the haircuts to fool their parents
  • 她们两姐妹互换发型 来欺骗父母
  • I'm sorry I'm thinking of Parent Trap.It's not like Parent Trap
  • 对不起 我想到《天生一对》的剧情了 它跟《天生一对》不一样
  • Really I was told not to say anything about what happens in the movie,but I think it's safe to say if you love the ending of Thelma and Louise,you're gonna love Twilight
  • 我被要求不能透露电影的剧情 不过我可以这么说 如果你喜欢《末路狂花》的结局 那么你也会喜欢《破晓》的
  • I've already said too much.I should stop talking and start dancing
  • 我已经说的太多了 不说了 来跳舞吧


Have a seat.Wooh,I appreciate it.That's a wonderful amount of energy coming right at me and I send it all right back to you.Thank you so much

请坐 非常感谢 谢谢你们这澎湃的热情 我把它送还给你们 非常感谢

I think I konw why you're excited.That's right,very soon you're gonna be in a room of a whole bunch of people

我知道你们为什么那么激动 没错 你们即将在这里遇见一群人

Whose only desire is to suck the life out of you


That's right.It's almost Thanksgiving

是啊 感恩节就要到了

Also the cast of the new movie Twilight:Breaking Dawn part 1 is here


And if that is not exciting enough,also on the show today,the cast of the new movie Twilight:Breaking Dawn Part 2.

如果这还不够 今天的节目还有 《暮光之城:破晓》下集的全体演员

I wanna read you some of these reviews.Let me read you,just a few

我来给你们念念这些评论 几条就够了

It appeals to fans all in new,endlessly likeable,an experience not to be missed

它标新立异 让人爱不释手 绝不容错过

That these are reviews of my book Seriously,I'm Kidding

这是我的新书 《Seriously,I'm kidding》的书评

But I hear the reviews for Twilight are great,too.So,I just don't have them with me

但是我听说《破晓》的评论也很不错 只不过 我没把它们带来

I don't have ghost.This audience saw the movie and you loved it,right

我可没找人代笔 你们都看了吧 很喜欢对吗

Well,for those of you at home,I don't wanna say too much about the movie,cause I don't wanna spoil the ending.

电视机前的观众朋友们 我不想说的太多 因为我怕把结局给透露出来

And then you know,you won't be surprised when you find out it was all a dream,so

当你们知道这只是一个梦 就不会有惊喜了

No,it's not a dream,it's real.And it's also very real and that media that hits the Cullen's house.That's very

骗你的 它不是梦 是真的 并且也很真实的就是媒体们 偷袭的Cullen夫人的房子 这真是哎

No,I don't wanna ruin the ending.It's always better when you're surprised.It's just like,how surprised you're gonna be when you find out who Bella's real father is

不 我不想把结局给毁了 你们得自己看才会有意思 想想 当你们发现Bella的生父是谁时会有多惊喜

No,it has nothing to do with her father.It's her mother.No,it has nothing to do with the parents.It's about the twin.

不 跟她父亲没有关系 是母亲才对 不 跟父母都没关系 她是双胞胎

And then they switched the haircuts to fool their parents

她们两姐妹互换发型 来欺骗父母

I'm sorry I'm thinking of Parent Trap.It's not like Parent Trap

对不起 我想到《天生一对》的剧情了 它跟《天生一对》不一样

Really I was told not to say anything about what happens in the movie,but I think it's safe to say if you love the ending of Thelma and Louise,you're gonna love Twilight

我被要求不能透露电影的剧情 不过我可以这么说 如果你喜欢《末路狂花》的结局 那么你也会喜欢《破晓》的

I've already said too much.I should stop talking and start dancing

我已经说的太多了 不说了 来跳舞吧

重点单词   查看全部解释    
switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

ruin [ruin]


v. 毁灭,毁坏,破产
n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

appreciated [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

subtlety ['sʌtlti]


n. 微妙,明敏

bitterness ['bitənis]


n. 苦味,悲痛,怨恨





