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  • On the morning of the 12th June, 1381,an enormous army, at least 5,000,perhaps as many as 10,000 strong,
  • 1381年6月12日清晨 一支庞大的军队 至少五千人 甚至可能多达一万人
  • was camped here on the fields of Blackheath,right on the edge of London.
  • 驻扎在这里 伦敦城外的 布莱克海斯
  • Below them, they could see the city old St Paul's, the bridges
  • 伦敦城 就在他们眼下 圣约翰大教堂
  • crowded with shops and Westminster beyond,all seemingly at their mercy.
  • 挤满商店的桥和不远处的威斯敏斯特 似乎完全在他们掌握之中
  • This was not a rabble. From the outset of the revolt,its targets had been selected carefully to make a point
  • 这不是一群乌合之众 从起义的最开始 他们就有明确的目标
  • rich abbeys, estates belonging to tax collectors.
  • 富有的教堂 收税员的地产
  • Any document bearing the seal of the Exchequer was marked out for destruction.
  • 有财政部印章的文件 都被销毁
  • Manorial accounts were thrown on the fire.They knew what they were doing.
  • 庄园账目被焚毁 他们清楚自己在做什么
  • Paradoxically, the rebels remained fervently loyal to the Crown.
  • 矛盾的是 起义者 仍旧宣称效忠于国王
  • Though they had made themselves outlaws,they were fired by the certainty that their cause was just.
  • 尽管他们的举动实为背叛 师出有名 使得士气大振
  • Surely it would be seen that they were not mobilised to threaten the king, but to rescue him,and through him, themselves.
  • 显然他们并非被人挑拨着 反对国王 而是试图拯救他 也借他之手拯救自己
  • The discipline of the march, however,did not survive contact with the big city.
  • 起义军的军纪军规 到了大城市变得毫无约束力
  • Prisons were broken open,churches looted, palaces put to the torch.
  • 监狱被打开 教堂被掠劫 宫殿被付之一炬
  • Thirty-five Flemish merchants were decapitated on the same block, one after the other.
  • 35位佛兰德商人 一个接一个的 被斩首于同一条大街上


On the morning of the 12th June, 1381,an enormous army, at least 5,000,perhaps as many as 10,000 strong,

1381年6月12日清晨 一支庞大的军队 至少五千人 甚至可能多达一万人

was camped here on the fields of Blackheath,right on the edge of London.

驻扎在这里 伦敦城外的 布莱克海斯

Below them, they could see the city old St Paul's, the bridges

伦敦城 就在他们眼下 圣约翰大教堂

crowded with shops and Westminster beyond,all seemingly at their mercy.

挤满商店的桥和不远处的威斯敏斯特 似乎完全在他们掌握之中

This was not a rabble. From the outset of the revolt,its targets had been selected carefully to make a point

这不是一群乌合之众 从起义的最开始 他们就有明确的目标

rich abbeys, estates belonging to tax collectors.

富有的教堂 收税员的地产

Any document bearing the seal of the Exchequer was marked out for destruction.

有财政部印章的文件 都被销毁

Manorial accounts were thrown on the fire.They knew what they were doing.

庄园账目被焚毁 他们清楚自己在做什么

Paradoxically, the rebels remained fervently loyal to the Crown.

矛盾的是 起义者 仍旧宣称效忠于国王

Though they had made themselves outlaws,they were fired by the certainty that their cause was just.

尽管他们的举动实为背叛 师出有名 使得士气大振

Surely it would be seen that they were not mobilised to threaten the king, but to rescue him,and through him, themselves.

显然他们并非被人挑拨着 反对国王 而是试图拯救他 也借他之手拯救自己

The discipline of the march, however,did not survive contact with the big city.

起义军的军纪军规 到了大城市变得毫无约束力

Prisons were broken open,churches looted, palaces put to the torch.

监狱被打开 教堂被掠劫 宫殿被付之一炬

Thirty-five Flemish merchants were decapitated on the same block, one after the other.

35位佛兰德商人 一个接一个的 被斩首于同一条大街上

重点单词   查看全部解释    
obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

unsophisticated ['ʌnsə'fistikeitid]


adj. 质朴无华的,天真无邪的

threaten ['θretn]


v. 威胁,恐吓

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

revolt [ri'vəult]


n. 叛乱,反抗,反感
vi. 叛乱,起反感<

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障



adv. 似非而是地;自相矛盾地;反常地

certainty ['sə:tnti]


n. 确定,确实的事情

possess [pə'zes]


vt. 持有,支配

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的





